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Analysis of interview moves


Here's my analysis of the text in the handout. The opening, check/reflect and structuring moves are straightforward, but you may have disagreed with the follow-up and probe moves. I chose the former because the turn asks for an extension of information previously given, whereas the probe move introduces a new angle. However, there would be nothing wrong in labelling 18/19 a follow-up. (25/26, by the way, is another example of a check/reflect.)


01  IR:  I wonder if you could just talk me through what you

02  do when you go into the office in the morning, your routine.

03  IE:  Er my usual routine is that I check the answerphone

04  first of all

05  IR:  Uhuh

06  IE:  to see if any messages have been left on that … open the

07  filing cabinets and

08  IR:  You unlock the filing cabinets

09  IE:  I unlock the filing cabinets

10  IR:  Right

11  IE:  Yeah. Then I open up the post that’s arrived at our end

12  IR:   You say ‘your end’. Was that- How many ends, how many

13  destinations

14  IE:  By that I mean that… [Moves on to interactions while

15  taking the post round] …Might have a little chat or I

16  might, if they look as though they’re really kind of stuck

17  into something straight away then I’ll just kind of

18  IR:  When you say you’ll have a little chat, I mean, you’ll

19  institute that will you, or

20  IE:  Er. er, it depends really. Sometimes [Exchanges on nature

21  of talk continue] …if there’s maybe something particular  

22  that I want to talk about I will- I will let them know that

23  IR:  Uhuh

24  IE:  and ask when it will be convenient for me to see them.

25  IR:  Right. So effectively you’re signalling that things are

26  important but they’re picking the time for the talk.

27  IE:  Yeah, that’s it exactly. Yeah and if…

28  [Exchanges on subject of talk continue.]

29  IR:  If we could go back a bit and talk a bit more about the

30  relationship between where you are and the other section.





























