Resources for Teacher-Research
Here are some recommended links and references I am gradually gathering together for teachers interested in engaging in action research or other forms of practitioner research
1) Online resources
Week 1 to Week 5 webinars and web-pages for 'Classroom-based research for professional development' TESOL Electronic Village Online
'Teacher-research as CPD, in practice’ (R. Smith & P. Rebolledo). British Council webinar, November 2014. Recording.
Burns, A. 'A short video introduction to Action Research' Video
'Practical principles for Exploratory Action Research'. Plenary talk by Richard Smith at IATEFL Research SIG / Gediz University International Conference, ‘Teacher-Researchers in Action’, Izmir, Turkey, June 2014. Audio-recording and powerpoint slides
IATEFL Research SIG. 'Teacher research updates'. Online: (Examples of teacher research)
Teaching in the Low-resource classroom: Materials and methodology; Managing; Diversity (British Council TeachingEnglish website)
ProDAIT (Professional Development for Academics Involved in Teaching). n.d. 'Action Research'. Online:
Edge, J., with with Darío Luis Banegas, Bernardo Cruz Bello, Henrick Oprea, Paula Rebolledo, Magdalena De Stefani & Carlos Rico Troncoso. n.d. A Very Short Introduction to Action Research for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Bogota; British Council
Rust, F. and Clark, C. n.d. How to Do Action Research in Your Classroom. Teachers Network Leadership Institute. Online:
ProDAIT (Professional Development for Academics Involved in Teaching). n.d. 'Exploratory Practice'. Online:
Dick, B. (2000) A Beginner's Guide to Action Research [On line]. Available at
McNiff, J. (with Ferguson, P.B.) 2011. Action Research for Professional Development: Concise Advice for New Action Researchers. Hamilton, New Zealand: The University of Waikato. Online: introduction to Action Research
Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN)
Teacher Action Research (George Mason University). Online:
Verster, C. 2002. 'Action research'. Online: (A very brief but useful introduction to action research)
Burns, A. n.d. 'Doing action research: what's in it for teachers and institutions?' International House Journal of Education and Development. [A brief, useful introduction]
Waters-Adams, S. 2006. 'Action research in education'. Online
Borg, S. n.d. 'Teacher research: practical and relevant classroom inquiry'. Online [brief introduction]
Reports of teacher-research
Bullock, D. and Smith, R. (eds) (2015). Teachers Research! Faversham. Faversham: IATEFL. Online:
Rebolledo, P., Smith, R. and Bullock, D. (eds) (2016) Champion Teachers: Stories of Exploratory Action Research. London: The British Council. Online:
Dikilitas, K., Smith, R. and Trotman, W. (eds) (2015) Teacher-researchers in Action. Faversham: IATEFL. Online:
Dikilitas, K., Wyatt, M., Hanks, J. and Bullock, D. (eds) (2016) Teachers Engaging in Research. Faversham: IATEFL. Online:
Hadley, G. (Ed.). (2003). Action research in action. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
Gertrude Tinker Sachs (ed.). Action research in English language teaching. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong (2002).
Borg, S. (Ed.). (2006). Classroom Research in ELT in Oman. Muscat: Ministry of Education, Oman.
Borg, S. (Ed.). (2008). Investigating English language teaching and learning in Oman. Muscat: Ministry of Education, Oman.
Borg, S. (Ed.). (2009). Understanding English language teaching and learning in Oman. Muscat: Ministry of Education, Oman.
Borg, S. (Ed.). (2009). Researching English language teaching and teacher development in Oman. Muscat: Ministry of Education, Oman.
Reports from a recent action research project in Australia:
Smith, R., with Xerri, D., Dar, Y. and Salvi, A. 2014. Teachers Research! Posters, Talks, Discussions: Record of an event for teacher-researchers in April 2014, organized by IATEFL Research SIG:
Social network
2) Practical books and articles about practitioner research
[* = particularly recommended]
Action research
Altrichter, H., Posch, P. and Somekh, B. 1993. Teachers Investigate Their Work: An Introduction to the Methods of Action Research. London: Routledge.
* Burns, A. 1999. Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
* Burns, A. 2010. Doing Action Research in Language Teaching: A Guide for Practitioners. New York: Routledge.
Edge, J. 2001. Action Research. Alexandria, Va: TESOL.
Tinker Sachs, G. 2000. Teacher and researcher autonomy in action research. Prospect: A Journal of Australian TESOL 15.3, 35–51.
Wallace, M.J. 1998. Action Research for Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Exploratory practice
Allwright, D. (2001). Learning (and teaching) as well as you know how: Why is it so very difficult? Available from Lancaster University as CRILE Working
Paper 40.
Allwright, D. (2003). Exploratory Practice: rethinking practitioner research in language teaching. Language Teaching Research, 7(2), 113–14.
Allwright, D. (2004). Developing principles for practitioner research: the case of exploratory practice. Paper presented for AAAL colloquium, Portland,
Oregon, May 2004.
* Allwright, D. and Hanks, J. 2009. The Developing Language Learner: An Introduction to Exploratory Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Perpignan, H. (2003). Exploring the written feedback dialogue: a research, learning and teaching practice, Language Teaching Research 7(2), 259–78.
Teacher research in general
Freeman, D. (1998). Doing teacher research. Boston, MA: Heinle and Heinle.
Kincheloe, J. (1991). Teachers as researchers: Qualitative inquiry as a path to empowerment. London: Falmer.
Nunan, D. (1989). The teacher as researcher. In Brumfit, C. & Mitchell, R. (eds.), Research in the language classroom (ELT Documents 133). London: Modern English Publications & The British Council, 16–32.
3) Further reports of practitioner research
Anne Warne, Michael O'Brien, Zafar Syed & Mary Zuriek (eds.). Action research in English language teaching in the UAE: Perspectives from teacher education at the Higher Colleges of Technology. Abu Dhabi: HCT Press (2006).
Simon Borg (ed.). Language teacher research in Europe. Alexandria, VA: TESOL (2006b).
Anne Burns & Jill Burton (eds.). Language teacher research in Australia and New Zealand. Alexandria, VA: TESOL (2008). Pp. vii + 249.
Christine Coombe & Lisa Barlow (eds.). Language teacher research in the Middle East. Alexandria, VA: TESOL (2007).
Thomas S. C. Farrell (ed.). Language teacher research in Asia. Alexandria, VA: TESOL (2006).
Leketi Makalela (ed.). Language teacher research in Africa. Alexandria, VA: TESOL (2009).
Hedy M. Mcgarrell (ed.). Language teacher research in the Americas. Alexandria, VA: TESOL (2007).
Burns, A. & Hood, S. (eds.) (1995–98). Teachers’ voices 1–3. Sydney: National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research.
Edge, J. (ed.) (2001). Action research. Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
Edge, J. & Richards, K. (eds.) (1993). Teachers develop teachers research. Oxford: Heinemann.
Field, J., Graham, A., Griffiths, E. & Head, K. (eds.) (1997). Teachers develop teachers research 2. Whistable, Kent: IATEFL.
Teachers’ Voices -- eight volumes of action research in ELT from Australia available from
4) Sources of freely available research reports online
IELTS research reports.
Other: Making a 5-minute Pecha Kucha presentation of your research - by Jo Gakonga