'ELT Research and Teacher-Research: What, Why and How' - Talk for SATEFL, University of Edinburgh, 6 December 2014
I've uploaded full powerpoint slides (as pdf) from the talk, including some not shown on the day . Links to further resources relating to the talk are below:
I. ELT, Applied Linguistics and research
A Short History of ELT: Talk by Richard Smith in the British Council Seminar Series, Cardiff (video).
'The history of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, from a British and European perspective’, by A.P.R.Howatt and Richard Smith (2014). Language and History 57/1: 75-95. Online (open access)
Howatt, A.P.R. with Widdowson, H.G. 2004. A History of English Language Teaching, 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Warwick ELT Archive and related publications
II. ELT research
'ELT research: What it is, why we need it, and how to do it!' Talk by Richard Smith in the British Council seminar Series, Bristol (video)
Directory of UK ELT Research, 2005–12. Online database and associated books. London: The British Council. compiled by Richard Smith with Seongsook Choi, Duncan Hunter, Imogen Liggins, Stuart Reid, Shelagh Rixon and Gosia Sky.
British Council Research Papers
IATEFL Research SIG:
IATEFL Research SIG Facebook Group
III. Teacher-research
'Teacher-research as CPD, in practice' Webinar by Richard Smith and Paula Rebolledo, British Council (video)
Champion Teachers Action Research Project, Chile
Smith, R., Connelly, T. and Rebolledo, P. (2014) ‘Teacher-research as CPD: A project with Chilean secondary school teachers’ (with T. Connelly and P. Rebolledo). Chapter 5 in Hayes, D. (ed.)Innovations in the Continuing Professional Development of English Language Teachers. London: The British Council, pp. 111–128.
Andrea Robles -- report of her project:
Mercer, S., Smith, R. and Ushioda, E. 'Researching-as-Teaching' Pre-conference Event (workshop) at 2012 IATEFL conference, Glasgow (video)
Teachers Research! Posters, Talks, Discussions: Record of an event for teacher-researchers in April 2014, organized by IATEFL Research SIG
Resources for Teacher-Research: a list of other useful links and references