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Coventry and its Twins: The front page

There are over 40,000 twinned towns or cities in Europe and over 2,000 in UK. Coventry led the field in twinning through its close relationship with Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in 1944. This project is about understanding Coventry and its twinning with other towns / cities by

  • providing links to the wide range of resources on twinning already available
  • celebrating past work on twinning and inspired by twinning
  • introducing the cities we are twinned with
  • showing where to find out more

We have a particular interest in education and twinning.

If you have already seen the animation then try going to these sections:

Coventry and twinning Schools and twinning People 

This explains who Coventry is twinned

(Sub-pages on Cork, Dresden, Galați, Jalandhar,Kingston, Volgograd, and Warsaw as well as a playlist.)

It also looks at Coventry as city of peace and reconciliation and has further entries on:

Coventry International

Association for Friendship, 

Herbert Gallery and museum.

 Coventry Biennial.

This provides examples of Coventry school exchange visits; and the international links in made through the Cathedral's cross of nails

This sculpture, Reconciliation, sits in the old cathedral ruins in Coventry. .

There is a learning space of our own too.

Here are examples of people from twinned cities who have come to Coventry and stories of visits to other cities.

Where next for twinning?

Finally, we ask some questions about twinning and get the views of colleagues who have been particularly interested in promoting twinning. Mail us with your views - go to the 'where next' page.

For authors and acknowledgements go to about this project.