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16th CAGE Research Day

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16th CAGE Research Day

Thursday 7th June 2018
Venue: Cowling Room S2.77 Meeting 9:00pm to 12:30pm
Buffet Lunch 12:30pm

The aim of this half-day event is for our faculty and associated academics to present recent work related to CAGE's themes, in an informal setting allowing for feedback and discussion.
This event is organised by the CAGE Post Doc researchers Aditi Dimri and Yannick Dupraz.


Yannick Dupraz


Education and polygamy: Evidence from Cameroon (with Pierre Andre)

Thijs Van Rens


The Economics of Diet and Obesity (with Roberto Pancrazi and Marija Vukotic)




Wiji Arulampalam


Maternal autonomy and child nutrition (with Anjor Bhaskar and Nisha Srivastava)

Teodora Tsankova


Behavioural insights and tax compliance: Evidence from large-scale field experiments in Belgium (with Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, Clement Imbert, Maarten Luts and Johannes Spinnewijn)