Geography, Institutions and Economic Growth in History
University of Warwick, 11th to 15th July 2017
Scarman Conference Centre
Organisers: Stephen Broadberry and Alexander Klein
Reading list for Summer School Participants:
* Baum-Snow, Nathaniel and Fernando Ferreira, (2014), “Causal Inference in Urban and Regional Economics”, NBER Working Paper No. 20535.
* Broadberry, Stephen and John Wallis (2017), "Growing, Shrinking and Long Run Economic Performance: Historical Perspectives on Economic Development", CAGE Working Paper No. 323.
Crafts, Nicholas and Abay Mulatu (2006), “How Did the Location of Industry Respond to Falling Transport Costs in Britain before World War I?” The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 66, No. 3 (2006), pp. 575-607.K
* Desmet, Klaus and Vernon J. Henderson (2014), “The Geography of Development within Countries”, CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP10150.
Easterly, William, Michael Kremer, Lant Pritchett and Lawrence H. Summers (1993), “Good Policy or Good Luck?,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 32, 459-483.
Hanlon, Walker W and Antonio Miscio (2017), “Agglomeration: A Long-Run Panel Data Approach” Journal of Urban Economics, Volume 99, (2017), Pages 1–14.
Klein, Alexander and Nicholas Crafts (2012), “Making sense of the manufacturing belt: determinants of U.S. industrial location 1880–1920”, Journal of Economic Geography, (2012) 12 (4): 775-807.
North, Douglass C. and Barry R. Weingast (1989), “Constitutions and Commitment: The Evolution of Institutions Governing Public Choice in Seventeenth-Century England”, Journal of Economic History, 49, 803-832.
Pritchett, Lant (2000), “Understanding Patterns of Economic Growth: Searching for Hills among Plateaus, Mountains and Plains”, World Bank Economic Review, 14, 221-250.
Rosés, Joan. R. (2003), “Association. Why Isn’t the Whole of Spain Industrialized? New Economic Geography and Early Industrialization, 1797–1910”, The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 63, No. 4 (2003).
Wolf, Nikolaus (2007), “Endowments vs. market potential: What explains the relocation of industry after the Polish reunification in 1918?”, Explorations in Economic History, Volume 44, Issue 1, (2007), Pages 22-42.
12:00 Registration: Scarman Foyer
12:30 Lunch
13:45 Introduction and Welcome
14:00 Keynote Lecture: Nicholas Crafts (Warwick)
“Globalization and Divergence: Geography Matters”
15:30 Coffee/Tea break
16: 00 Lecture: Kerstin Enflo (Lund University)
“Can Kings Create Towns that Thrive? The long-run consequences of Swedish town plantations on urbanization and agricultural surplus.”
17:00 Student Presentations and Feedback
Thilo Huning:
How Britain Unified Germany: Endogenous Trade Costs and the Formation of a Customs Union
Ivan Luzardo:
Labour frictions in the turbulent twenties in Britain; A story of industrial reshuffling and regional divergence
Julius Probst:
Agglomeration forces in Sweden: A study of Swedish cities and municipalities since 1800
18:30 Day 1 ends
19:30 Evening Meal: Scarman Private Dining Room
Wednesday 12th July (Day 2)
09:30 Lecture: Joan Rosés (LSE)
“Housing and Economic Development: New Evidence from Historical Economic Geography”
10:30 Coffee/Tea break
11:00 Lecture : Alex Klein (University of Kent)
“Economic Geography in Historical Perspective: Some Methodological Notes”
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Student Presentations and Feedback
Alexandra Lopez Cermeno:
A Dynamic Von Thünen model: agricultural specialization
Andrea Ramazzotti:
Transport, Travel Time and the Location of Industrial Activities in Italy, 1921-1971
Alexander Reinold:
Market access and agricultural productivity across the Habsburg Monarchy at the end of the 19th century
15:30 Coffee/Tea break
16:00 Student Presentations and Feedback
Eric Melander:
Creating ‘Us and Them’: Racial Propaganda, Insularity and Right-Wing Ideology
Ariane Salem:Pauperization and Inequalities in the rural economy in Morocco during the Protectorate (1917-1956)
Andreas Ferrara:
Economic and Social Integration of Minorities: The Effect of WWII on Racial Segregation
18:00 Day 2 ends
18:30 BBQ Scarman Terrace
Thursday 13th July (Day 3)
09:30 Lecture: Dan Bogart (UC Irvine)
“Transport improvements, market access, and economic growth during the industrial revolution”
10:30 Coffee/Tea break
11:00 Lecture: Walker Hanlon (UCLA)
"Dynamic Comparative Advantage in International Shipbuilding and the Transition from Wood to Steel"
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Student Presentations and Feedback
Heyu Xiong:
U.S. railroads and gauge standardization
Harm Zwarts:
The nineteenth-century origins of agricultural innovation in the Netherlands in a European perspective
Thor Berger:
Ingenuity, Innovation, and Infrastructure (Awaiting Paper)
15:30 Coffee/Tea break
16:00 Student Presentations and Feedback
Kostadis Papaioannou:
Rainfall Patterns & Human Settlement in Tropical Africa & Asia Compared: Did African Farmers Face Greater Insecurity?
Matthew Curtis:
Long-run intergenerational mobility in Quebec
Nayeli Salgado:
Highways, population density and industrialization in Mexico
17:30 Day 3 ends
19:30 Evening Meal: Scarman Private Dining Room
Friday 14th July (Day 4)
09:30 Lecture: James Foreman-Peck (Cardiff)
“Late Marriage as a Contributor to the Industrial Revolution in England”
10:30 Coffee/Tea break
11:00 Keynote Lecture: Sheilagh Ogilvie (Cambridge)
"The Second Serfdom in Early Modern Central Europe"
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Student Presentations and Feedback
Felix Kersting:
Weber's Call: Nationalism and Migration in Prussia, 1895-1913
Calumet Links:
Manifest destiny: Did the advancement of the Cape colonial frontier stunt long term economic growth?
Christian Ochsner:
Manifest destiny: Did the advancement of the Cape colonial frontier stunt long term economic growth?
Maria Hidvegi:
Institutional constraints on knowledge management: energy efficiency and mobility in Hungary, 1968-1989
15:30 Coffee/Tea break
16:00 Student Presentations and Feedback
Kara Dimitruk:
English Parliament and the Effects of the Glorious Revolution: New Evidence from Parliament's Legislative Activity
Thomas Keywood:
Jakob Schneebacher:
Governance in Heterogeneous Societies: Lessons from Nineteenth-Century Switzerland (Awaiting Paper)
Stefan Nikolic:
Income Inequality in Eastern Europe, 1900 - 1950 (Awaiting Paper)
18:00 Day 4 ends
19:30 Evening Meal: Scarman Private Dining Room
Saturday 15th July (Day 5)
09:30 Lecture: Stephen Broadberry (Oxford)
10:30 Coffee/Tea break
11:00 Student Presentations and Feedback
Blessy Abraham:
Examination of the role of the Indian Tariff Board in shaping Questions of Fiscal Autonomy in India during the Interwar Period (1921 – 1937)
Yasin Arslantas:
Power is tempting but bounded:’ A Quantitative Analysis of Ottoman Practice of Confiscation, 1750-1839
Cristina Victoria Radu:
The effect of maize on economic development. Evidence from Romania
12:30 Concluding remarks
12:45 Lunch
End of Summer School