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Long-Run Growth: Unified Growth Theory and Economic History

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Long-Run Growth: Unified Growth Theory and Economic History

A collaboration between CAGE and the CEPR: Centre for Economic Policy Research
Organised by Sascha Becker, Omer Moav, Steve Broadberry and Kevin O'Rourke


Tuesday 29 January 2013
Session 1: Demographics and Growth
Chair: Nicholas Crafts

9.00 Matteo Cervellati

The Economic and Demographic Transition, Mortality, and Comparative Development
Co-Author: Uwe Sunde

10.00 Coffee  
10.15 Francesco Cinnirella (Ifo Munich)

Malthus in the Bedroom: Birth Spacing as a Preventive Check Mechanism in England, 1540-1870
Co-Authors: Marc P B Klemp, Jacob L Weisdorf

11.15 Gregory Clark (UCDavis) Is one of the Fundamentals of Unified Growth Theory Missing? The Child Quantity-Quality Tradeoff in England, 1600-2012
Co-Authors: Neil Cummins
12.15 Lunch  

Session 2: Skill and the Industrial Revolution
Chair: Sascha Becker

13.30 Morgan Kelly
(UC Dublin)

Precocious Albion: Human Capability in the English Industrial Revolution
Co-Authors: Joel Mokyr and Cormac O'Grada

14.30 Karine Van Der Beek

Mechanization and Skill Choice on the Eve of the British Industrial Revolution, 1710-1772
Co-Author: Naomi Feldman

15.30 Coffee  

Session 3: Culture, Religion and Growth
Chair: Mark Harrison

15.45 Carl-Johan Dalgaard
Religious Orders and Growth through Cultural Change in Pre-Industrial England
Co-Authors: Thomas B Anderson, Jeanet Bentzen and Paul Sharp
16.45 Sascha Becker
Not the Opium of the People: Income and Secularization in a Panel of Prussian Counties
Co-Author: Ludger Woessmann
19.00 Dinner  

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Session 4: Divergence and Comparative Development
Chair: Kris Mitchener

9.00 Stephen Broadberry
Accounting for the Great Divergence
10.00 Coffee  
10.15 Joachim Voth (UPF)

Debt into Growth: Why the Country that Borrowed Most Industrialized First

Co-Author: Jaume Venura

11.15 Oded Galor (Brown) The Out of Africa hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity and Comparative Economic Development
Co-Author: Ashraf Quamrul
12.15 Lunch  

Session 5: Growth in the Long Run
Chair: Bishnupriya Gupta

13.30 Bob Allen
An Economic Explanation of the Industrial Revolution
14.30 Jan Luiten Van

The story of two transitions: Unified Growth Theory and the European growth experience, 1300-1870

Co-Author: Sandra de Pleijt
15.30 Coffee  

Session 6: Institutions and Reversal of Fortune
Chair: Jordi Vidal-Robert


Anastasia Litina

Unfavourable Land Endowment, Cooperation, and Reversal of Fortune
16.45 Omer Moav
Transparency, Appropriability and Institutions
Co-Authors: Joram Mayshar and Zvika Neeman
19.00 Dinner