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CAGE releases three new video shorts

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CAGE releases three new video shorts

This week we're launching three new explainer videos, showcasing the exciting work of our associates.

The videos form part of our CAGE shorts series: films under three minutes long explaining the methods and findings of our latest research.

Arianna Ornaghi explains how gender attitudes can affect the choices people make, even in high-stakes decision-making roles. Her research, with Elliott Ash and Daniel Chen, finds evidence that attitudes about gender can affect the decisions, citations and reversals of judges in US circuit courts.

Marta Santamaria takes lessons from the division of Germany in 1945 to better understand how governments can adapt transport infrastructure in response to unexpected shocks.

Arun Advani asks how and why inequality has changed in the UK, and uncovers some surprising evidence about who is at very the top of the UK income distribution.

You can view all our CAGE shorts on our Youtube Channel

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