The British Academy President's Medal: Frances Caincross
The British Academy President's Medal: Frances Caincross
Monday 20 Aug 2018The British Academy President's Medal rewards outstanding service to the cause of the humanities and social sciences. It covers a broad range of activities, including insightful journalism contributing to public understanding, use of research in policymaking and public leadership.
Dame Frances Cairncross DBE, FRSE, FAcSS is a 2018 recipient of this award. She was awarded the President's Medal for her contributions to economic journalism and the pioneering way she has used economic and social science research in environmental, media, public policy and technology journism. Dame Frances has been Chair of the CAGE advisory Board since 2010.
Other recipent's of the 2018 President's Medal are:
Zeinab Badawi, William Dalrymple, Professor Andreas Gestrich and Dr Joh Hemming.