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Happiness and Cooperation

Happiness and Cooperation

347/2017 Eugenio Proto, Daniel Sgroi and Mahnaz Nazneen
working papers, behavioural economics and wellbeing
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organisation

347/2017 Eugenio Proto, Daniel Sgroi and Mahnaz Nazneen

According to existing research across several disciplines (management, psychology, economics and neuroscience), positive mood can have positive effects, engendering more altruistic, open and helpful behaviour, but can also work though a more negative channel by inducing inward-orientation, assertiveness, and reduced use of information. This leaves the impact on cooperation in interactive and strategic situations unclear. We find evidence from 490 participants in a laboratory experiment suggesting that participants in an induced positive mood cooperate less in a repeated Prisoner's Dilemma than participants in a neutral setting. This is robust to the number of repetitions or the inclusion of pre-play communication. In order to understand why positive mood might damage the propensity to cooperate, we conduct a language analysis of the pre-play communication between players. This analysis indicates that subjects in a more positive mood use more inward-oriented and more negative language which supports the negative channel.

Behavioural economics and wellbeing

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organisation