What's New
Markevich on Stalin's Control System
"How Much Control is Enough? Monitoring and Enforcement under Stalin" is no. 53 in the PERSA series ...
Harrison and Markevich on Soviet Defense Procurement
"Quantity Versus Quality in the Soviet Market for Weapons" is no. 52 in the PERSA series ...
Service on the History of World Communism
From Marx to Mao, from Engels to Allende, from Lenin and Stalin to Ceaucescu and Castro, Robert Service's Comrades tells the story of ...
Gregory on Watching Stalin Win
In the Hoover Digest (issue no. 4 of 2007) Paul Gregory relates: "Verbatim transcripts of the Soviet Politburo have come to light, revealing candid discussions by the USSR’s ultimate decision-making body as it invented a political, economic, and social system and struggled over who would lead the country ..."
Markevich on Command Failure under a Dictator
"The Dictator’s Dilemma: to Punish or to Assist? Plan Failures and Interventions under Stalin" is no. 51 in the PERSA series ...