LMI Learning module - Building skills and confidence using Labour Market Information in practice
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What is Labour Market Information and why do we need it? How do we find it and use it effectively?
Teachers, tutors and mentors frequently find that they are the first port of call when learners have questions about their future course and career options. Often they feel ill equipped about where to turn to for basic information, or, if required, expert advice and guidance.
Careers guidance professionals are at the interface between the job market and their clients. In a fast changing world, it is unsurprising that clients particularly value seeing a careers professional because this gives them 'access to expert knowledge and networks' (Bimrose, et al. 2004). So, whilst linking clients to the labour market isn't the only goal of career guidance, it is hard to imagine any credible attempt at careers guidance that is completely divorced from an understanding of Labour Market Information (LMI). Most important is the ability to conjure from this raw and sometimes overwhelming data its more useful partner, Labour Market Intelligence.
So what is the LMI Learning module all about?
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