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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Warwick/UPF/Northwestern/CEPR Political Economy Symposium 2025

Runs from Friday, March 14 to Saturday, March 15.

The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), the Department of Economics at the University of Warwick, along with Northwestern University, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF) are organising the CEPR Political Economy Symposium in Rome, Italy, on 14-15 March 2025.

Date: Friday 14 – Saturday 15 March 2025
Venue: EIEF- Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance,
Address: Via Sallustiana 62 - 00187 in Rome, Italy.

The aim of the symposium is to bring together the top theoretical and empirical political scientists and economists across Europe and North America. A limited number of papers will be presented (12 over two days) to allow maximum time for discussion.


The symposium will feature a range of academics from across the world presenting papers on a number of topics.

Friday, 14 March

9.30 – 10.00

Registration, Coffee and Welcome Remarks from the Organisers

Session 1


10:00 – 10.50

Marco Manacorda (Queen Mary University of London)
Title: 'The International Transmission of Democratic Values: Evidence from African Migration to Europe'
Co-authors: Jacopo Ponticelli (Northwestern Kellogg) and Andrea Tesei (Queen Mary University of London)

Discussant: Luigi Guiso (EIEF)

10.50 – 11.40

Pedro Vicente (NOVA University Lisbon)
Title: 'On the Political Economy of Urbanization: Experimental Evidence from Mozambique'
Co-authors: Alex Armand (NOVA University Lisbon), Frederica Mendonça (NOVA University Lisbon), and Wayne Aaron Sandholtz (NOVA University Lisbon)

Discussant: Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI)

11.40 – 12.10

Coffee Break

12.10 – 13.00

Yameng Fan (ENSAI-CREST)
Title: Market Power and Political Connections
Co-authors: Feng Zhou (Toulouse Business School)

Discussant: Rafael Jiménez-Durán (Bocconi University)

13:00 - 14:30


Session 2


14.30 – 15.20

Marina Rizzi (University of Turin)
Title: 'Self-Regulation of Social Media and the Evolution of Content: a Cross-Platform Analysis'

Discussant: Mateusz Stalinski (University of Warwick)

15.20 – 16.10

Michael Thaler (University College London)
Title: 'Numbers Tell, Words Sell'
Co-authors: Mattie Toma (University of Warwick), Victor Yaneng Wang (MIT)

Discussant: Salvatore Nunnari (Bocconi University)

16.10 – 16.40

Coffee break

16.40 – 17.30

Joanne Haddad (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Title: 'Inheritance Customs, the European Marriage Pattern and Female Empowerment'
Co-authors: Matthew Curtis (University of Southern Denmark), Paula E. Gobbi (Université libre de Bruxelles), Marc Goñi (University of Bergen)

Discussant: Nancy Qian (Northwestern Kellogg)

19:00 onwards

Dinner (by invitation only)

Saturday, 15 March

Session 3


10.00 – 10:50

Victoria Mooers (Columbia University)
Title: 'Social Networks and Voter Information'

Discussant: Sarah Eichmeyer (Bocconi University)

10.50 – 11.40

Nicolas Longuet-Marx (Columbia University)
Title: 'Party Lines or Voter Preferences? Explaining Political Realignment'

Discussant: Nathan Canen (University of Warwick)

11.40 – 12.10

Coffee Break

12.10 – 13.00

Giovanni Facchini (University of Nottingham)
Title: 'The Consequences of a Trade Collapse: Economics and Politics in Weimar Germany'
Co-authors: Bjorn Brey (University of Oxford)

Discussant: Mathias Thoenig (University of Lausanne)

13:00 - 14:30


Session 4


14:30 – 15:20

Elliott Ash (ETH Zurich)
Title: 'Breeding Better Beings: Education, Progressive Reform and Eugenics in the United States'
Co-authors: Guohui Jiang (University of Zurich), Hans-Joachim Voth (University of Zurich), Noam Yuchtman (University of Oxford)

Discussant: Luca Braghieri (Bocconi University)

15:20 – 16.10

Giovanni Mastrobuoni (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Title: 'Once Upon a Time in America: the Mafia and the Unions'
Co-authors: Andrea Matranga (University of Torino) and Marta Troya-Martinez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Discussant: Noam Yuchtman (University of Oxford)

16.10 – 16.40

Coffee break

16.40 – 17.30

Alessandro Dovis (University of Pennsylvania)
Title: 'On the Optimal Allocation of Policy-Making'
Co-authors: Rishabh Kirpalani (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Guillaume Sublet (Université de Montréal)

Discussant: Facundo Piguillem (EIEF)



*Ruben Durante acknowledges financial support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 101125953)

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WMA Seminar

Mitch Green (Connecticut) - TBC

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Reading Group - Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit

This reading group will be online, and will be held every Friday at 4 pm.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail to one of the organisers (Marco and Luke) so we can put you on the e-mail list.


· Marco Rienzi:

· Luke Valentine Darrell Leong:

Teams link:

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Meeting ID: 370 159 187 317

Passcode: 9N6eC9Po
