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2005 Summer Seminars

Unless otherwise stated Seminars are held on Monday at 1 pm in the CSGR Seminar Room S 1.50 (1st floor Social Studies Building)





18th April Atreyi Mazumdar

(University of Delhi)

Likely Impact of globalization on India’s unemployment problem and migration
25th April Sian Sullivan

(University of Warwick)

three years, three themes: researching resistance at CSGR
11th May Elmar Altvater

(Free University Berlin)

Global Public Goods and Human Security
16th May Brian Ilbery

(University of Coventry)

Relocalisation and alternative food networks
18th May Lynn Mytelka

Director, UN University

(Institute for New Technologies)

NEPAD: Raising the Profile of Innovation in African

23rd May Glenn Morgan

(Warwick Business School)

The globalization of law firms: markets, hierarchies and networks
6th June Jiro Yamaguchi

(Hokkaido University)

Decline of Japanese-style social democracy in the age of globalisation
13th June Prof Jerome Sgard


IMF in Theory: Sovereign Debts, Judicialisation and Multilateralsim
15th June Eleni Tsingou

(Univesity of Warwick)

Researching Global Financial Governance at CSGR
20th June Peter Newell

(University of Warwick)

The Political Economy of Global Environment Governance