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2006 Spring Seminars

Unless otherwise stated Seminars are held on Monday at 1 pm in the CSGR Seminar Room S 1.50 (1st floor Social Studies Building)





16th January

Richard Higgott

(CSGR) University of Warwick

‘Global Public Goods and Global Governance: A Political Analysis of Economic Theory and Policy Practice’ Please find a pdf version of the Powerpoint Presentation here.
23rd January


(CSGR Visiting Fellow) Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
'Sino-American bilateral trade relationships’
30th January

Paul Close

(CSGR Visiting Fellow) Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Kyoto

‘Out of Touch with Reality? A class analysis approach to the study of globalisation and regionalisation.’

6th February

Dania Thomas

(CSGR Visiting Fellow) University of Manchester

‘Judge Griesa and the Vultures: The Transition to CAC’s’
13th February

Simon Perrault

(CSGR Visiting Fellow) University of Quebec, Montreal
'Politics from a Globalist Perspective: Mapping the Discourse of the World Forums, Economic and Social.’
20th February

Upendra Baxi

University of Warwick
'New Approaches to Global Justice: Towards A Critique.'

22nd February

4:30-5:30pm Room S1.50

Alla Glinchikova

(CSGR Visiting Fellow) Institute for Globalisation Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

' Globalization and the search for new Russian identity '

23rd February

2:00-3:00pm Room S1.50

Anand Kumar

Coordinator, Global Studies Programme, Jawaharlal Nehru University.

'Global Studies in India: Problems and Prospects'
27th February

Colin Jennings

Oxford University
‘Leadership and Conflict’
6th March

Simon Reich

Director, Ford Institute for Human Security and Professor of International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh

'Resources, Institutions and Moral Entrepreneurs: American Power and Global Norms in the 21st Century'

For further information, contact Dr. Dwijen Rangnekar.