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2001 Seminars

Autumn 2001




19 November Dr Peter Heller
Considering the Long Term in the Formulation of Fiscal Policy
15 November Andrea E Goldstein
(OECD Development Centre)
The Political Economy of Strategic Trade Policy: Explaining the Brazil-Canada Export Subsidies Saga
13 November Professor John Whalley
(CSGR, University of Warwick)
Chiconomics: the Spiritual Economy, Traditional Values and the Role of the Chi
12 November


Doug Shackleford
(Business School, University of North Carolina & Research Associate of the NBER)
Diversification and Taxes: Evidence from the Taxation of Capital Gains and Losses
12 November Professor Roland Robertson
(Department of Sociology, University of Aberdeen)
Globality as a Concept
5 November Professor Jan Aart Scholte
(CSGR, University of Warwick)
Civil Society and Democracy in Global Economic Governance
29 October Professor Marcus Miller
(Economics Department, University of Warwick)
The consequences of over Optimism: The US High Tech Boom and Europe
15 October David Levi-Faur
(Oxford University)
The Politics of Liberalization: Privatization and regulations-for-competition in Europe's and Latin America's Telecoms and Electricity Industries
8 October Professor Richard Robison
(Murdoch University, Australia)
The Politics of Financial and Banking Reform: The Lessons of Indonesia
1 October Professor Ellis Krauss
(Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California)
Apec and Trade Liberalisation: Japan, U.S and EVSL


Summer 2001




25 June Dr Paola Conconi (Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick) Issue Linkage and Issue Tie-in in International Negotiations
18 June Professor Moshe Machover (London School of Economics) Design of decision rules in international and federal organization, with application to the EU Council of Ministers
11 June Dr Tat Yan Kong (Department of Politics, SOAS) Globalisation and Labour Movements: Taiwan and South Korea a compared
4 June Professor John Whalley (Department of Economics, University of Warwick) Puzzles over International Taxation of Cross Border Flows of Capital Income
21 May Martin Gainsborough (Department of Politics, SOAS) Globalisation and Vietnam: The Local State in Ho Chi Minh City 15 years into Reform
14 May Ben Zissimos (Department of Economics, University of Warwick) Perpetual Trade Liberalization
30 April Dr Jurgen Haacke (Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Birmingham) China and ASEAN: Setting parameters for future co-operation


Spring 2001




12 March Professor Ray Riezman (Department of Economics, University of Iowa) The sources of Protectionist Drift in Representative Democracies
5 March Professor Ben Lockwood (Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick) Measuring Globalisation
26 February Prasanna Gai (Bank of England) The Role of Sovereign Debt Standstills in Crisis Management
19 February Dr Dennis Leech (Department of Economics, University of Warwick) Fair reweighting of the votes in the EU Council of Ministers and the choice of majority requirements for QMV during successive enlargements
12 February Dr Diane Stone (Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick) Learning Lessons, Policy Transfer and the International Diffusion of Ideas
5 February Dr Heloise Weber (Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick) Locating the Poverty Reduction Agenda in Global Political Economy; the example of Microcredit
29 January Dr Tat Yan Kong (Department of Politics, SOAS) Globalisation and Labour Movements: Taiwan and South Korea a Compared
22 January Professor Tony McGrew (Department of Politics, University of Southampton) Globalisation, Democracy and Global Governance: Limits and Possibilities