Spring 2005 Seminars
Spring 2005
Unless otherwise stated Seminars are held on Monday at 1 pm in the CSGR Seminar Room S 1.50 (1st floor Social Studies Building)
Date |
Speaker |
Title |
10th January |
Natalie Chen (University of Warwick) |
Competition, Globalization, and the Decline of Inflation (click here for paper) |
17th January |
Huw Edwards (Loughborough University) |
Who Gains from Restructuring the post-Soviet Transition Economies, and Why? |
17th January 4.30pm Rm S0.19 |
Richard Stubb’s (McMaster University) |
'The Cold War, Insitutionalisation, and East Asia's Political Economy' |
24th January |
Sol Picciotto (Law School, Lancaster University) |
Multi-Level Governance: TRIPS and Biotechnology |
31st January |
Paul Margison (University of Warwick) |
The industrial relations dimension of Europe’s social model: ‘bottom up’ and top down’ dynamics |
7th February |
Esperanca Bielsa Mialet and Joy Sisley (University of Warwick) |
Globalisation as Translation: An Approximation to the Key but Invisible Role of Translation in Globalisation |
9th February |
Chris Hughes (University of Warwick) |
The FalsePremises ofMultilateralism in East Asia and the Future of 'New Regionalism': Bilateral FTAs, the US-Japan Alliance, and 'hub and spokes' resurgent |
14th February |
Sayantan Ghosal (University of Warwick) |
21st February |
Barrie Axford (Oxford Brooks University) |
Global Civil Society: progressive globalisations and conceptual dead-ends |
28th February |
Abdul Paliwala (University of Warwick) |
Free Culture and Global Commons in Technology: pirates and corporate cowboys |
7th March |
Gianluca Grimalda (University of Warwick) |
Globalisation, Norms of Co-operation and Trust: Some Experimental Results |
9th March, 4.30pm |
Marco Vivarelli (Economic Policy at the Catholic University of Piacenza) |
Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction: A Focus on within Country Income Inequalities in Developing Countries |
11th - 13th March |
Dwijen Rangnekar (University of Warwick) |
The Promise and Reality of Agricultural Biotechnology |
April 2005 |
Diane Stone (Central European University) |
The World Bank |
7th - 8th July 2005 |
Peter Burnell
Globalising Party-Based Democracy |
20th -22th July 2005 |
Dennis Leech
Voting Power Analysis with Reference to Institutions of Global Governance |
September 2005 |
Linda Luckhaus (University of Warwick) |
Liberalisation and Regulation in Global Finance |
11th November 2005 |
Esperanca Bielsa & Chris Hughes (University of Warwick) |
Perspectives on Global Terror |
November 2005 |
Robert Fine & Will Smith (Liverpool) |
Global Justice through Force |