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2004 Workshops

Migration Futures Workshop

Coordinated by Robin Cohen, St. Anthony College, Oxford, 10th December 2004

For more information click here.


Gender Globalisation and Governance

Organised by Shirin Rai, CSGR, University of Warwick, Georgina Waylen PERC, University of Sheffield, held at the University of Warwick on 17-19 September 2004.

For more information click here.

Globalisation and Trust

Organised by Gianluca Grimalda, held at the University of Warwick on 1-3 July 2004

The themes covered in the Workshop include:

- The Impact of Globalisation on Local Trust and Co-operation

- The Impact of Globalisation on International Trust and Co-operation

- The Individual Perception of the Global Dimension

During the Workshop the research project launched by CSGR "An International Experimental Investiation of the Influence of Globalisation on Trust and Co-operation" will be presented and discussed. In particular, please notice that the session of Thursday the 1st of July is by invitation only.

The Globalisation of Political Violence

Organised by Chris Hughes from the CSGR and Richard Devetak from Monash, 28-30 June 2004, Monash Prato Centre, Italy.

For more information click here.

The Language of Global News

An international, interdisciplinary symposium which was held at the University of Warwick on 23rd of April 2004

For more information click here.

Cosmopolitan Strategic Culture Workshop

On 24 June 2004, the Centre hosted a workshop on cosmopolitan strategic culture in a globalising world followed, on 25 June, by a half-day conference on the United Nations and the use of force. The workshop and conference were organised by Lorraine Elliott, University of Warwick and Graeme Cheeseman,

For more information click here.