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Gender in Global and Regional Trade Policy - Contrasting Views and New Research

For Further Information, please follow the links below.

Session 1 - Defining the Issues
Participant Paper Title Paper
Hameda Deedat The socio-economic impact of trade liberalisation and employment loss on women in the South African clothing industry



Catherine Hoskyns Linking Gender and International Trade Policy: Is Interaction Possible? Paper
Gilma Madrid Women in the cut flower export trade of Colombia Paper
Session 2 - Approaches to Gender and Trade
Participant Paper Title Paper
Graham Floater Trade Negotiations and Decent Work – a Gender Perspective Paper


Janice Goodson Foerde IGTN and the Gender-Trade-Development Nexus – from the Margins to the Core of the Policy Process Paper
Elaine Jones Alternative Trade Strategies and Gender Paper
Anh-Nga Tran-Nguyen Trade and Gender: Opportunities and Challenges Paper
Session 3 - Lessons from Research
Participant Paper Title Paper
Marzia Fontana Survey of research on gender and trade: insights, gaps and coverage Paper
Sarah Gammage Gender, Trade and Informality – lessons learned from WIEGO and GATE Paper
Veena Jha Study on the impact of trade and globalisation on gender in India – preliminary research findings Paper
Ann Stewart (Tabled Paper) Who do we care about? Reflections on Gender and Trade chains. Paper
Session 4 - Practical Initiatives
Participant Paper Title Paper
Sarojini Thakur Capacity for Gender, Trade Policy and Export Promotion – proposals from the Commonwealth Secretariat Paper
Nicholas Hoskyns Fairtrade, Gender and Grassroots Action - the experience of Nicaraguan coffee cooperatives Paper
Daonoi Srikajon (Tabled Paper) Supporting Potential Women Exporters - report on initiatives in Thailand to support women craft workers Paper
Session 5 - Economic Partnership Agreements - What are the Gender Issues?
Participant Paper Title Paper
Zohra Khan Gender and Cotonou: implications of the EPAs for gender equality Paper
Karin Ulmer Benchmarks for a pro-development monitoring of the EPA negotiations


Powerpoint Presentation

Tom Sharman Economic Partnership Agreements – where we are with the regional negotiations. A background discussion paper Paper
Notes and Policy Briefings
Participant Paper Title Paper
DTI Policy Note Trade and Gender Paper
Sam Gurney (TUC) Trade, Labour Standards and Gender Paper
Eva Kaluzynska DG Trade: Civil Society Dialogue Paper