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Workshop on the World Bank

Workshop on the World Bank

Singapore, Monday 18th September 2006


The workshop coincided with the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Singapore, 19-21 September 2006.

The Singapore workshop on the World Bank is the second event following the inaugural workshop at the Central European University in Budapest, April 2005. These workshops provide an opportunity to meet other doctoral students working in this field, as well as to meet World Bank staff and other development studies scholars and practitioners.

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Jean Sebastien Langlier, Lucy Baker and Alok Misra; Richard Higgott and Vinay Bhargava


Workshop Themes:

  • Lending
  • Infrastructure
  • World Bank-IMF relations
  • The Millennium Development Goals
  • The Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
  • Academic/civil society outreach of the Bank
  • The Comprehensive Development Framework
  • Governance and World Bank organisational restructuring
  • Country studies of World Bank structural adjustment policies

This event was supported with a grant from the Economic and Social Research Council of the United Kingdom. The workshop was organised by the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation at the University of Warwick in conjunction with the Researchers Alliance for Development, the Lee Kwan Yew School of Public Policy and with the additional support of the External Affairs Vice Presidency of the World Bank.

Workshop Location

Workshop Programme

Call for Papers

Workshop Papers

Workshop Participants

Workshop Report

Workshop Photographs

Background note to the Singapore Workshop

The World Bank and Governance


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Above: Pablo Nemina and Richard Higgott; Mona Hammami and Nigar Baimova