Dr Eleni Tsingou
Affiliated Senior Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (CSGR), University of Warwick, UK, 2012-2015 and Associate Fellow, Norwegian Institute for International Affairs (NUPI), Oslo, Norway, 2010-2014
My research work has focused on private authority in the financial markets, the role of transnational financial policy communities in shaping practices of regulation and supervision, and the development of stronger patterns of accountability in financial governance; I have worked on these issues especially with respect to the Basel II capital adequacy requirements and the treatment of OTC derivatives.
My doctoral dissertation covered the role of elite groups in the construction of financial rules and practices and is entitled ‘Club model politics and global financial governance – the case of the Group of Thirty’. In the context of this research, I was Commissioner on the Second Warwick Commission on 'International Financial Reform: Beyond Architecture, Towards Building Consensus' (2009-2010). Further research has concentrated on the global anti-money laundering regime and ensuing European and global regulatory and compliance networks.
New work focuses on the role of professional networks and knowledge in addressing global policy issues, especially in the areas of financial reform, low birth rates in OECD countries and highly skilled migration. This research is in conjunction with the ‘Professions in International Political Economy’ project (PIPES), led by Leonard Seabrooke and funded by the European Research Council.
In addition, I am a member of two large research projects, ‘Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks’ (GR:EEN), funded by the EU FP7 Programme ( http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/csgr/green ) and ‘Systems of Tax Evasion and Laundering’ (STEAL), funded by the Norwegian Research Council, NORGLOBAL Taxation, Capital and Development Programme.
Primary Research
- Global Banking Regulation and Transnational Private Governance
- Transnational Policy Communities and Policy Networks
- Regulatory Responses to the Global Financial Crisis
- The Global Anti-Money Laundering Regime and the Fight Against Terrorist Financing
- Knowledge Networks and Gender in International Political Economy
- Professional Networks in the Global Political Economy
Selected Publications
Books and Special Issues
- ‘Global Governance and Legitimacy’, Review of International Political Economy, Volume 18, Issue 1, 2011 (with James Brassett).
- Explaining Change in Global Financial Governance: Incrementalism Revisited (edited with Manuela Moschella) (forthcoming with ECPR Press).
- ‘The Politics of Legitimate Global Governance’, Review of International Political Economy, Volume 18, Issue 1, 2011: 1-16 (with James Brassett).
- ‘Global Financial Governance and the Developing Anti-Money Laundering Regime: What Lessons for International Political Economy?’, International Politics, Volume 47, Issue 6, 2010: 617-637.
- ‘Responding to the Global Credit Crisis: The Politics of Financial Reform’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Volume 12, Issue 2, 2010: 313-323 (with Leonard Seabrooke).
- ‘Power Elites and Everyday Politics in International Financial Reform’: piece in International Political Sociology, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2009: 457-461 (with Leonard Seabrooke).
Book chapters
- ‘Player Shift? Private-Public Authorities and Transnational Policy Communities in Global Economic Governance’, chapter for the Handbook of Global Economic Governance, edited by Manuela Moschella and Catherine Weaver, Routledge.
- ‘Who Governs and Why? The Making of the Global Anti-Money Laundering Regime’: book chapter in Geoffrey Underhill, Jasper Blom and Daniel Mügge (eds) From Reform to Crisis: Financial Integration and the ‘New Architecture’ of International Financial Governance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp. 172-186.
- ‘Transnational Governance Networks in the Regulation of Finance – the Making of Global Regulation and Supervision Standards in the Banking Industry’: book chapter in Morten Ougaard and Anna Leander (eds) Business and Global Governance, London: Routledge, 2010, pp. 138-155.
- ‘The Study of Global Finance in International Political Economy: Introducing Gender’: book chapter in Christoph Scherrer and Brigitte Young, eds, The Role of Gender Knowledge in Policy Networks, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010, pp. 150-159.
- ‘Regulatory Reactions to the Credit Crisis: Analysing a Policy Community Under Stress’: book chapter in Eric Helleiner, Stefano Pagliari and Hubert Zimmermann (eds) Global Finance in Crisis: The Politics of International Regulatory Change, London: Routledge, 2010, pp. 21-36.
- ‘Die Regulierung der Globalen Finanzmärkte. Einfluss und Funktionen transnationer Governance-Netzwerke’ in Helmut Breitmeier, Michèle Roth, Dieter Senghaas (eds) Sektorale Weltordnungspolitik: Effektiv, gerecht und demokratisch? (ONE World Series of the Development and Peace Foundation, Vol. 22), Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2009, pp. 113-129.
- ‘Transnational Private Governance and the Basel Process: Banking Regulation, Private Interests and Basel II’, book chapter in Andreas Nölke and Jean-Christophe Graz (eds) Transnational Private Governance and its Limits, ECPR/Routledge series, London: Routledge, 2008, pp. 58-68.
- ‘The Role of Policy Communities in Global Financial Governance: a Critical Examination of the Group of Thirty’, book chapter in Torsten Strulik and Helmut Willke (eds) Towards a Cognitive Mode in Global Finance, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2007, pp. 213-237.
- ‘The Governance of Over-the-Counter Derivatives Markets’, book chapter in Peter Mooslechner, Helen Schuberth and Beat Weber (eds) The Political Economy of Financial Market Regulation: The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 2006, pp. 168-190.
- ‘Targeting Money Laundering: Global Approach or Diffusion of Authority?’ in Elke Krahman (ed.) New Threats and New Actors in International Security, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2005, pp. 91-107.
Research papers
- 'Revolving Doors and Linked Ecologies in the World Economy: Policy Locations and the Practice of International Financial Reform', CSGR Working Paper 260/09, 2009 (with Leonard Seabrooke).
- ‘Global Governance and Transnational Financial Crime: Opportunities and Tensions in the Global Anti-Money Laundering Regime’, CSGR Working Paper 161/05, 2005.
- ‘Policy Preferences in Financial Governance: Public-Private Dynamics and the Prevalence of Market-Based Arrangements in the Banking Industry’, CSGR Working Paper 131/04, 2004.
- ‘Transnational Policy Communities and Financial Governance: the Role of Private Actors in Derivatives Regulation’, CSGR Working Paper, 111/03, 2003.
Policy publications
- ‘The Warwick Commission on International Financial Reform: In Praise of Unlevel Playing Fields’, Second Warwick Commission Report, November 2009 (chaired by Avinash Persaud).
- ‘The Global Credit Crisis and the Politics of Financial Reform’, GARNET Policy Brief No. 8, January 2009 (with Heribert Dieter and Leonard Seabrooke).
Department for Business and Politics
Tlf.: +45 3815 3379
E-mail: et.dbp@cbs.dk