Hallsworth China Forum
Forum editors: Shogo Suzuki, Catherine Jones, and André Broome
The Hallsworth China Forum is a special collection within the CSGR Working Paper Series. Revised papers should be submitted below.
- Deadline for submissions: 1 May 2017
- Notification of initial decisions and review comments: 23 June 2017
Deadline for revised submissions: 31 July 2017
This form is closed and is no longer accepting any submissions.
CSGR Working Paper Series
Series editors: André Broome and Matthias Kranke
Established in 1998, the aim of the CSGR Working Paper Series is to make available to a wide public audience new research on the analysis of globalisation and regionalisation, global governance and global order, and global civil society.
There are no copyright restrictions on the use of material from CSGR Working Papers in authors’ future publications.
Style guidelines
- The length of papers should be 8,000 to 12,000 words
- Papers should be written in a concise and economical style
- Avoid complicated/lengthy sentences, unnecessary jargon, or overusing acronyms
- Explain specialized vocabulary, concepts, and technical terms when they are first introduced
- Identify, develop, and substantiate a central finding, idea, or argument
- Clearly signpost the central argument in the abstract, introduction, and conclusion
- Submit papers in MS Word format
- Line spacing should be 1.5, with justified text and ‘Normal’ margins
- Authors should adhere to a consistent referencing system of their choice (in-text references are preferred)
- Authors should use no more than two levels of sub-headings to differentiate between sections
Cover page details
- The paper title
- Author name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and email address(es)
- A concise abstract of no more than 200 words
- A short biography of the author(s)
- Up to five key words