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Globalisation, EU Economic Policy Communities and the Construction of European Identities

Funding: £74, 542 from the ESRC 'One Europe or Several' programme ( Award No. L213 252 024 Period: September 1999-August 2002

Brief description: An analysis of the development and deployment of discourses of globalisation and external context in European Union policy-making. The research will produce a conceptual map of the understandings and knowledge bases of claims about globalisation within the European Commission. It explores the nature of the relationship between the use of such discourses and the enhanced legitimacy of the Europeanisation of governance functions.

Partner institutions: these include the European University Institute, Aarhus University, the University of Birmingham and the University of Mannheim.




Ben Rosamond, "Europeanization and Discourses of Globalization: Narratives of External Structural Context in the European Commission", CSGR Working Paper 51/00, May 2000, Abstract, Full Document PDF icon