International Institutions in an Era of Globalisation
International Institutions in an Era of Globalisation: The Horizontal and Vertical Geometry of Global Policy Competence
In the 1997-98 CSGR annual report it was explained that this project looks at the role of the WTO in promoting future trade liberalisation. The aim has been to establish why the GATT based framework of achieving further trade liberalisation might be in difficulty. The main finding of this research is that Article XXIV, the WTO’s own set of rules governing trade block formation are at least partly to blame. A very early draft of the paper developing this theme was titled "World Trade Rules (Are Not) Okay". It is currently under revision, titled "Is the WTO’s Article XXIV a Barrier to Free Trade?", pending submission to a discussion paper series and professional journals.
Throughout 1999, the paper has been presented at numerous workshops and conferences in the UK, the US and Australia, and has attracted much interest. It raises a number of other issues and prompts a number of further research questions, which are likely to attract further research project funds to CSGR in the future. Output from this project has also appeared in the CSGR Newsletter no.3, and is soon to be covered in the ESRC’s magazine "The Edge".
Ben Zissimos and David Vines, "Is The WTO's Article XXIV a Free Trade Barrier?", CSGR Working Paper 49/00, February 2000, Abstract, Full Document