Simon Collinson Publications
Rugman, A., and Collinson, S.C., 'Multinational Enterprises in the New Europe: Are They Really Global?' Organisational Dynamics, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2005, pp. 258-272
Collinson, S.C., and Houlden, J., 'Decision-Making and Market Orientation in the Internationalisation Process of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises', Management International Review (MIR), Vol. 45, No. 4, 2005, pp. 413-436
Collinson, S.C., Kato, H. and Yoshihara, H. (forthcoming) ‘Technology Strategy Revealed: Patterns and Influences of Patent Licensing Behaviour in Japanese Firms’, International Journal of Technology Management, special issue on Japanese Technology Strategies.
Rugman, A.M. and Collinson, S.C. (2004) ‘The Regional Nature of the World’s Automotive Industry’, European Management Journal, 22/5 pp.471-482.
Collinson, S.C. and Holden, J. (2004) ‘Decision-Making and Market Orientation in the Internationalization Process of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises’, Proceedings of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, USA, Aug.2004.
Collinson, S.C. and Pettigrew, A.M. (2004) ‘Common Methodological Problems in Standard Phases of Comparative Cross-Cultural Research’, Working Paper, Warwick Business School.
Collinson, S.C. and Gregson, G. (2003) ‘Knowledge Networks for New Technology-based firms: An International Comparison of Local Entrepreneurship Promotion’, R&D Management, Vol.33, No.2, pp.189-209, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford
Collinson, S.C. (2003) ‘Restructuring to Build Knowledge-Integration Capabilities for Innovation’ chapter in Conceiçã, Gibson, Heitor and Stolp (Eds.) Systems and Policies for the Global Learning Economy, Praeger, Westport.
Collinson, S.C. and Wilson, D.C. (2003) ‘Inertia in Japanese Organizations: Knowledge Management Routines and Failure to Innovate,’ Proceedings of the Academy of Management, Seattle, USA, July 2003.
Collinson, S.C. and Applegarth, A. (2002) ‘China: newest member of the global economic club’, NEXUS, Warwick Business School (Winter 2002)
Collinson, S.C. and Applegarth, A. (2002) ‘Not Very Strategic Outsourcing? Theory versus Practice in the Make-or-Buy Decision’, Working Paper.
Collinson, S.C. (2001) ‘Knowledge Management Capabilities in R&D: A UK-Japan Company Comparison’, R&D Management, Vol.31, No.3, pp.335-347, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.
Collinson, S.C. (2001) ‘Developing and Deploying Knowledge for Innovation: British and Japanese Corporations Compared’, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol.5, No.1, pp.73-103, Imperial College Press, London.
Collinson, S.C. (2001) ‘Globalisation, Japan and Foreign Direct Investment in Britain’, Journal of Accounting and Business, June, 2001, Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants, London.
Collinson, S.C., (2001) ‘Restructuring the Corporate Knowledge Base: Why Some Japanese Firms are Failing to Adapt to Survive’, Eclectic.
Collinson, S.C., (2001) ‘Globalisation: changing the rules of competitive advantage’, NEXUS, Warwick Business School (Spring, 2001)
Collinson, S.C. (2000) ‘Knowledge Networks for Innovation in Small Scottish Software Firms’, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Vol.12, No.3 pp.217-244 (July 2000), Taylor and Francis, London.
Collinson, S.C. (1999) ‘Knowledge Management Capabilities for Steel Makers: A British-Japanese Corporate Alliance for Organisational Learning’, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol.11, No.3, pp.357-358, Carfax, Oxford.
Collinson, S.C. (1999) ‘The Innovative Management of Innovation - the Ying and the Yang’, Knowledge Management journal, Research Brief, Dec.1998/Jan.1999, Learned Information Publications, Oxford.
Collinson, S.C. (1999) ‘The Development of Multimedia in Japan’, chapter in: Williams and Slack (Eds.)(2000) Europe Appropriates Multimedia: A study of the National Uptake of Multimedia in Eight European Countries and Japan, Senter for Teknologi og Samfunn (Centre for Technology and Society), Report No. 42 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim: Norway. ISSN 0802 3581 42
Kiba, T. and Collinson, S.C. (1998) ‘R&D Performance in Japanese Companies: A Relative Evaluation of Overseas-based and Domestic R&D’, Science and Public Policy, August, Vol.25, No.4, pp.227-238, Beech Tree Publishing, Guildford.
Collinson, S.C. (1998) ‘Building Competitiveness at the Periphery - The Scottish Experience’, in Neelamegham, S. (ed.) Market Economy and the Global Competitive Challenge, Sudhir Printers, New Delhi (in association with the Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi and the Commonwealth Secretariat, UK).
Collinson, S.C. and Molina, A.H. (1998) 'Reorganising for Knowledge Integration and Constituency-Building in the Era of Multimedia: Product Development at Sony and Philips' chapter in Coombs, R. et al. (eds.) Technological Change and Organization, Edward Elgar, London.
Collinson, S.C. (1998) ‘Innovation Networks in the Scottish Multimedia Industry’ Working Paper, TechMaPP/Management School, The University of Edinburgh.
Collinson, S.C. (1997) 'Knowledge Integration for Innovation: Comparing Multimedia Product Development at Sony and Philips' in Butler, J. and Piccaluga, A. (eds.) Knowledge, Technology and Innovative Organizations, Guerini E.Associati, Milan.
Collinson, S.C. (1997) 'Opaque Barriers to Trade', Export Times, No.322, Nexus Media, Andover Press.