Julio Faundez Publications
Democratization and Legality: Chile 1833-1973 (in preparation)
On the State of Democracy (editor) (forthcoming) London: Routledge 2005
Community Justice and Judicialisation: Perspectives from Rural Perú, in Alan Angell, Rachel Sieder and Line Schjolden (editors), The Judicialisation of Politics in Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming 2005)
Racism and Employment, forthcoming as Chapter 4 in K. Boyle (ed.), Dimensions of Racism, UNESCO, Paris, (forthcoming).
Faundez, J., and Angell, A., 'Reforma Judicial en America Latina - El Rol del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo' Revista Sistemas Judiciales, Vol. 8, 2005
Faundez, J., 'Community Justice Institutions and Judicialisation: Lessons from Rural Peru', in Angell, A., and Sieder, R. (eds), The Judicialisation of Politics in Latin America, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005
Faundez, J., 'The Role of Law Enterprise - Towards a Dialogue Between Practitioners and Academics', CSGR Working Paper 164/05, May 2005
World Investment Report 2003: FDI Policies for Development: National and International Perspectives – Review, Transnational Corporations Vol. 13 (1) 2004, pp. 177-182.
Judicialisation and Governance, Joint University of Oxford and University of London Conference on the Judicialisation of Politics, London 17-19 March 2004.
Regime Change and the Governance Agenda - Are They Linked? 97 American Society of International Law Proceedings 137 (2003).
El Programa de Acción de Durban en América Latina, Pensamiento Constitucional, (Lima) Vol. 9 (9) 2003, pp. 273-287.
Non-State Justice Systems in Latin America – Case Studies: Perú and Colombia, January 2003. For the Department of International Development (DFID)(UK). Available from the DFID website.
Justice Reform in Latin America: The Role of the Inter-American Development Bank, IADB, Office of Evaluation, Washington DC, WP-2/03, 42 pp.
Law and the Collapse of Democracy in Chile, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 7 November 2003.
Good Enough Law? Access to Justice and Economic Processes, DFID (Department for International Development): Governance/Enterprise/Economists Joint Retreat, Bournemouth 14-17 October 2003.
Justice Reform in Latin America: Lessons From the Experience of Non-State Justice Systems, European Union Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights, Seminar on the Rule of Law, Brussels 3-4 July 2003.
Regime Change and the Governance Agenda – Are they Linked? 97th Annual Meeting of the American Society for International Law, Conflict and Coordination Across International Regimes, April 2-5, 2003.
Reforming Informal Justice Systems: Lessons from Perú and Colombia, World Bank, LAC Justice Group, April 2, 2003.
Community Justice in Perú, Inter-American Development Bank, April 3, 2003.
Engaging With Non-State Justice Systems, DFID/ODI Workshop on Non-State Justice Systems, March 2003.
International Law and Iraq, Thirty Minute Interview for Gente de Mundo, Radio Nacional de España, 27 February 2003 (transcript available).
Against Discrimination in Employment, UNESCO/UN-OHCHR Workshop to combat racism and foster tolerance, Paris, 19-20 February 2003. (UN Economic and Social Council E/CN.4/2003/19/Add.1, 18/03/03).
The Experience of Alternative Justice in Latin America, British Council International Seminar on Paths to Accessible Justice, Hitchin, 27/31 January 2003.
Beyond Bilateral Investment Treaties, in APEC, Regional and Bilateral Investment Rules, Singapore, 2002, pp.146-158.
Justice System Reform Programme: Report on a Mission to Ethiopia, 30 November 2002. Report prepared for the Government of Ethiopia and the United Nations Development Programme.
Beyond Bilateral Investment Treaties, APEC Workshop on Regional and Bilateral Investment Rules, Merida, Mexico, 17/18 May 2002.
El Programa de Acción de Durban, United Nation Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Regional Seminar of Latin American Experts on Racism and Discrimination, Mexico City, 1/3 July 2002.
Legal Change in Latin America, lecture delivered at the Department for International Development (DFID), London, January 2002.
Governance and Legal Reform, paper read at the Conference on Access to Justice in the Commonwealth, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Cumberland Lodge, 8/10 July 2002.
Legal Reform in Developing and Transition Countries: Making Haste Slowly, in R. V. Van Puymbroeck, Comprehensive Legal and Judicial Development, World Bank, Washington, 2001, pp. 369-396. Reprinted in J. Faundez, Mary Footer and Joseph Norton (eds.) Governance Development and Globalization, Blackstone Press, 2000, pp. 29-49.
Governance, Development and Globalization (co-editor) Blackstone Press, London, 2000, 457 pp.
Acciones Positivas en el Empleo y la Ocupación, Lima, ILO/British Council/Defensoría del Pueblo, 2000, 168 pp.
Introduction: The Ever-Expanding Governance Agenda, in J. Faundez, Mary Footer and Joseph Norton (eds.) Governance Development and Globalization, Blackstone Press, 2000, pp. 1-6.
The Code and Globalization: Contemporary Relevance, in Pedro Roffe (et.al. eds.) International Technology Transfer: The Origins and Aftermath of the United Nations Negotiations on a Draft Code of Conduct, Kluwer Press, 2000, pp. 281-285.
Development Studies and the Rule of Law, Centre for Development Research, University of Bonn, 19 October 2000.
Legal Reform in Developing and Transition Countries: Making Haste Slowly, World Bank Conference on Comprehensive Legal and Judicial Development - Towards an Agenda for a Just and Equitable Society in the 21st Century, Washington, 5-7 June 2000.
Entrevista a Julio Faundez - ‘A Pinochet se le ha Aplicado un Compromiso Asumido por él Mismo’, Ideele, Lima, Perú, Abril, 1999, pp. 26-29.
Precedente Procedente, Caretas, Lima, Perú, 15 April 1999, pp. 36- 37.
International Court of Justice, Subsequent Practice (a) The Irrelevance of the 1984 ‘Agreement’; and (b) Official Acts, Oral Argument before the International Court of Justice, 1 March, 1999, ICJ, Compte Rendu, 99/10, pp. 44-65.
International Court of Justice, Subsequent Practice Under the Anglo-German Treaty of 1890, Oral Argument before the International Court of Justice, 17 February, 1999, Compte Rendu, 99/4, pp. 18-40.
Comments on the International Organisations’ Agenda for Judicial Reform, Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London, 18-19 November 1999.
Critical Reflections of the Practice of Legal Reform, Seminar on Legal Reform Projects in Developing Countries: Lessons from Experience, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 4 June 1999.
La Reforma Judicial en América Latina, Public Lecture, Universidad Católica de Lima, 30 March 1999.
Derecho y Desarrolo Económico, Public Lecture, the University of Huamanaga, Ayacucho, 29 March 1999.
Participación Ciudadana y Sistema Legal, Workshop on Popular Justice, IPAZ, Ayacucho, 28 March 1999.
Affidavit - Re: Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, House of Lords, 1998.
Comment on Rodríguez Veltez paper on Legal Security, Accountability and Transparency, Seminar on Viability of Latin American Democracies, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 10 February 1998.
Good Government and Law: Legal and Institutional Reforms in the Third World (editor) London, Macmillan Press, 1997, 286 pp.
In Defence of Presidentialism: The Case of Chile, in S. Mainwaring and M.S. Shugart (eds.), Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 300-320.
Legal Technical Assistance, in J. Faundez (ed.), Good Government and Law: Legal and Institutional Reform in the Third World, London, Macmillan, 1997, pp. 1- 24.
Employment Equity Bill (South Africa), South Africa, Government Gazette, 1 December 1997, 56 pp.
Affirmative Action and the Limits of Legal Regulation, Employment Equity Seminar, Department of Labour, Midrand, South Africa, 1 December 1997.
Drafting Laws in Foreign Countries, Public Lecture at the Graduate Law School, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 17 October 1997.
Comparative Experiences on Affirmative Action: Lessons for South Africa, Keynote Speech delivered at the Employment Equity Seminar organized by the Ministry of Labour of the Government of South Africa, Pretoria, 27 May, 1997.
International Law and the Challenge of Globalization, Inaugural Address to open the 1997 Academic Year of the Graduate Law School at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 14 March, 1997.
Comentarios a la Ponencia: Reforma Judicial - aspectos administrativos y de gobierno, International Seminar on Judicial Reform in Perú, Lima, March, 1997.