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Ben Lockwood Publications



"Financial Consequences of the Chinese VAT Reform", International VAT Monitor, Vol. 16, 2005, pp. 181-187

Lockwood, B., and Redoano, M., The CSGR GLobalisation Index Website, CSGR Working Paper 155/05, 2005

"Decentralisation and Electoral Accountability: Incentives, Seperation and Voter Welfare", CEPR Working Paper 5125, 2005

“Do Elections Always Motivate Incumbents? Learning vs. Re-Election Concerns” (with Eric LeBorgne), forthcoming, Public Choice


“When are Plurality Rule Voting Games Dominance-Solvable?”(with Amrita Dhillon), Games and Economic Behaviour, 46, (January 2004), 55-75

“Decentralization via Federal and Unitary Referenda”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 6 (February 2004), 79-108

“Competition in Unit vs. Ad Valorem Taxes”, International Tax and Public Finance 11, 763-772, 2004

“How Robust is the Foreign Policy-Kearney Globalisation Index?”, The World Economy 27, 507-23, (April 2004)

“Spillovers, Investment Incentives and the Property Rights Theory of the Firm” (joint with David de Meza), Journal of Industrial Economics 52, 228-53, June 2004

Horizontal and Vertical Indirect Tax Competition: Theory and Some Evidence From the USA” (with Devereux, Michael P; Redoano, Michela ), CEPR Discussion Paper 4470 2004


“Imperfect Competition, Public Goods Supply, and the Marginal Cost of Public Funds”, Journal of Public Economics ”, 87, 1719-46, August 2003


“Distributive Politics and the Benefits of Decentralisation”, Review of Economic Studies, 69, 313-37, April 2002

“Multiple Equilibria in the Citizen-Candidate Model of Representative Democracy” (with Amrita Dhillon), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 4, 171-84 April 2002

"Gradualism and Irreversibility " (with Jonathan Thomas), Review of Economic Studies, 69, 313-37, April 2002


“Fiscal Policy and Politics: Theory and Evidence from Greece 1960-1997” (with A.Philippopoulos and E. Tzavalis), Economic Modelling 18, 253-68 April 2001

Comment on “Welfare State Reform: A Survey of What Europeans Want” by T.Boeri, A.Borsch-Supan, and G.Tabellini, Economic Policy 32, 2001, 46-47

“Tax Competition and Coordination Under Origin and Destination principles: A Synthesis”, Journal of Public Economics, 81, 279-319, August 2001


“Progressive Taxation and Wage-Setting: Some Evidence for Denmark”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2000,

“Specific and Ad Valorem Tariffs are not Equivalent in Trade Wars”, (with Kar-Yiu Wong), Journal of International Economics, 52, 2000, 183-95

"Two-Way Distortions in Principal-Multi-Agent Problems", Journal of Economic Theory, 61, May 2000, 142-66

Comment on “One Money, One Market: the Effect of Common Currencies on Trade” by A. Rose, Economic Policy 30, 2000, 34-35


“Inter-Regional Insurance”, Journal of Public Economics, 1-39, 72, 1999

Comment on “Tradable Deficit Permits: Efficient Implementation of the Stability Pact” by Alessandra Cassella, Economic Policy 29, 1999, 347-349


“Designing Monetary Policy when Unemployment Persists” (with Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang), Economica, 65, August 1998, 327-45

“Does Central Bank Independence Reduce the Political Business Cycle? Some OECD Evidence” (with Kaddour Hadri and John Maloney), Manchester School, 66, 1998, 377-95

“A Note on Discontinuous Value Functions and Strategies in Affine-Quadratic Differential Games” (with Henrik Jensen), Economics Letters, 61, 1998, 301-06.

“Does Asset Ownership Really Motivate Managers? The Property-Rights Theory of the Firm with Alternating Offers Bargaining” (with David de Meza), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 113, May 1998, 361-86

“For a VAT System Adapted to the Needs of the Single Market in the 21st Century: Discussant’s Comments”, in Conference Proceedings, Tax Competition and Coordination of Tax Policy in the European Union, Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, 1998


“Can Commodity Tax Harmonisation be Pareto-Improving when Governments Supply Public Goods?” Journal of International Economics, 43, 1997, 387-408

“State-Contingent Inflation Contracts and Unemployment Persistence”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 29, 1997, 286-99

“Rogoff’s ‘Conservative’ Central Banker Restored” (with Berthold Herrendorf), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 29, 1998, 476-95