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Liliana Pop Publications


Democratising capitalism? The political economy of post-communist transformations in Romania, 1989-2001, Manchester University Press, 2006


“Varieties of capitalism, varieties of theory? Conceptualizing paths of change and patterns of firm-government interaction across models of market democracy” (with Pieter Vanhuysee), Journal of European Public Policy, 11:1, pp. 167-177


“Where the domestic meets the international: The role of the IFIs and the EU in Romania’s post-communist transformations” Romanian Journal of Society and Politics, Volume 2, Issue 2, October, pp. 158-187.

“Explaining systemic change in post-communist Eastern Europe: Arguments for a political economy approach,” Working paper 92/02, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick (13 000 words)