Michela Redoano Publications
"The Political Economy of Policy Centralisation: Direct versus Representative Democracy" (with Kim Scharf ), 2004, Journal of Public Economics 88, 799-817
"Horizontal and Vertical Tax Competition: Theory and Some Evidence from the USA" (with Mike Devereux and Ben Lockwood), CEPR Discussion Paper 4470, under revision for the Journal of Public Economics.
"Does Centralisation Affect the Number and Size of Lobbies?", CSGR Working Paper, submitted to journal.
"Fiscal Interactions among EU Countries", University of Warwick Discussion Papers 680.
"Do Countries Compete over Corporate Tax Rates ?" (with Mike Devereux and Ben Lockwood), CEPR Discussion Paper 3400, under revision for the American Economic Review.
"Capital Account Liberalization and Corporate Taxes", (with Mike Devereux and Ben Lockwood), IMF Discussion Paper 03/180, under revision for the IMF Staff Papers.