Sian Sullivan Publications
Bohm, S., Reyes, O. and Sullivan, S. (eds.) The Organisation and Politics of Social Forums, Special Issue ephemera: theory and politics in organisation. (
Sullivan, S. ‘Viva nihilism!’ Militancy, militarisation and masculinities in (anti-)globalisation politics. Chapter in Globalization of Political Violence Devetak, R. and Hughes, C. (eds.) Routledge/Warwick Globalisation Series?
Sullivan, S. in press. ‘We are heartbroken and furious!’ Rethinking violence and the (anti-)globalisation movements. in Maiguashca, B. and Eschle, C. (eds.) Critical theories, world politics and ‘the anti-globalisation movement’, London, Routledge.
Sullivan, S. in press. On dance and difference: bodies, movement and experience in Khoesān trance-dancing – perceptions of ‘a raver’, in Haviland, W.A., Gordon R., and Vivanco, L. (eds.) Talking About People: Readings in Cultural Anthropology, 4th Edition. Harcourt.
Sullivan, S. and Homewood, K. in press. On non-equilibrium and nomadism: knowledge, diversity and global modernity in drylands (and beyond …) in Pimbert, M. (ed.) Reclaiming knowledge for diversity, London: Earthscan.
Sullivan, S. in press. Detail and dogma, data and discourse: food-gathering by Damara herders and conservation in arid north-west Namibia. in Homewood, K. (ed.) Rural resources and local livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa. James Currey and University of Wisconsin Press, Oxford.
Sullivan, S. final edit prior to submission. Maps and memory, rights and relationships: articulations of global modernity and local dwelling in delineating land for a communal-area conservancy in north-west Namibia. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.
Sullivan, S. final edit prior to submission. Southern African ‘hunter-gatherers’: social exclusion, autarky and identity. Review article for Journal of Southern African Studies.
Sullivan S., 'Viva Nihilism!' On Militancy and Machismo in (Anti-)Globalisation Protest, CSGR Working Paper 158/05, February 2005
Sullivan, S. and Homewood, K. 2004 Natural resources: use, access, tenure and management. pp. 118-166 in Bowyer-Bower, T. and Potts, D. (eds.) Eastern and Southern Africa, new regional text commission by the Institute of British Geographers’ Developing Areas Research Group, London, Addison Wesley Longman.
Sullivan, S. and Brockington, D. 2004 Meaning and methodology in social studies of globalisation: or saying something about the world without counting or inventing it. CSGR Working Paper no. 139/04.
Sullivan, S. 2004 ‘We are heartbroken and furious!’(#2) Violence and the (anti-)globalisation movements. CSGR Working Paper no. 133/04. available online here
Sullivan, S. 2004 Barcelona 22-25 January 2004: First International Conference on ‘Social Movements and Activist Research’. CSGR Newsletter 11: 12-15.
Sullivan, S. Distributed networks and the politics of possibility: interpretations of what’s new about glocal post-capitalist politics. CSGR Working Paper. 121/03.
Sullivan, S. 2003 Frontline(s). ephemera: critical dialogues on organization 3(1): 68-89.
Sullivan, S. 2003 Protest, conflict and litigation: dissent or libel in resistance to a conservancy in north-west Namibia. pp. 69-86 in Berglund, E. and Anderson, D. (eds.) Ethnographies of conservation: environmentalism and the distribution of privilege. Oxford, Berghahn Press.
Brockington, D. and Sullivan, S. 2003 Qualitative research. pp. 57-74 in Scheyvens, R. and Storey, D. (eds.) Fieldwork and development studies: a rough guide. London, Sage Publications.
Sullivan, S. and Homewood, K. 2003 On non-equilibrium and nomadism: knowledge, diversity and global modernity in drylands (and beyond …). CSGR Working Paper 122/03.
Sullivan, S. 2003 ‘We are heartbroken and furious!’ Engaging with violence in the (anti-)globalisation movement(s). CSGR Working Paper 123/03.
Sullivan, S. 2003 Review of Anderson, D. and Broch-Due, V. (eds.) 1999 ‘The Poor are not Us: Poverty and Pastoralism in Eastern Africa’, James Currey, East African Educational Publishing and Ohio University Press, Oxford, Nairobi and Athens. The Journal of Modern African Studies. 41(4).
Sullivan, S. 2003 ‘Anger is a gift!’ Or is it? Engaging with violence in the (anti-)globalisation movement(s). CSGR Newsletter 10: 11-14.
Sullivan, S. 2003 Radical Theory Workshop @ the 2nd European Social Forum: Some Notes. CSGR Discussion Paper.
Sullivan, S. and Rohde, R.F. 2002 On nonequilibrium in arid and semi-arid grazing systems. Journal of Biogeography 29: 1-26.
Sullivan, S. 2002 ‘How can the rain fall in this chaos?’ Myth and metaphor in representations of the north-west Namibian landscape. pp. 255-265, 315-317 in LeBeau, D. and Gordon, R.J. (eds.) Challenges for Anthropology in the 'African Renaissance': A Southern African Contribution, University of Namibia Press, Publication Number 1, ISBN 9916-59-42-0, pp 318.
Sullivan, S. 2002 How sustainable is the communalising discourse of ‘new’ conservation? The masking of difference, inequality and aspiration in the fledgling ‘conservancies’ of Namibia. pp. 158-187 In Chatty, D. and Colchester, M. (eds.) Conservation and mobile indigenous people: Displacement, forced settlement and sustainable development. Oxford, Berghahn Press.
Craven, P. and Sullivan, S. 2002 Inventory and review of ethnobotanical research in Namibia: first steps towards a central ‘register’ of published indigenous plant knowledge. NBRI Contributions 3. National Botanical Research Institute, Windhoek. ISBN 0 86976 538 8