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John Whalley Publications


Privatization Experiences in the EU (edited jointly with Hans Werner Sinn and Marko Köthenbürger), MIT press, (forthcoming).

Trade and the Environment (edited with Gary Sampson), Edward Elgar, (forthcoming)

Frontiers in Applied General Equilibrium Modeling (edited with T.N. Srinivasan and Timothy Kehoe), Cambridge University Press 2005

"Goods Market Responses to Trade Shocks and Trade and Wages Decomposition" (with Lisandro Abrego). The Canadian Journal of Economics, August 2003, 36(3): 747-57.

"How Often are Propositions on the Effects of Regional Trade Agreements Theoretical Curiosa and Should they Guide Policy?" (with Lisandro Abrego and Ray Riezman). Journal of International Economics. (forthcoming).

"The Division and Size of Gains from Liberalization in Service Networks" (with Keshab Bhattarai). Review of International Economics. (forthcoming).

"Assessing the Benefits to Developing Countries of Liberalization in Services Trade" The World Economy, (forthcoming).



Whalley, J., and Srinivasan, T.N., and Kehoe, T, Frontiers in Applied General Equilibrium Modeling, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005

Whalley, J., and Cudmore, E., 'Border Delays ad Trade Liberalisation' in Takatoshi, I., and Rose, A. (eds), International Trade, East Asia Seminar on Economics, Volume 14. Conference held September 5 - 7, 2003, The University of Chicago Press, 2005

Whalley, J., and Riezman, R., and Lisandro, A., 'Computation and the Theory of Customs Unions', CESifo Economics Studies, Vol. 54, no. 1, 2005



"Are Price Controls Necessarily Bad? The Case of Rice in Vietnam" (with Madan Ghosh). The Journal of Development Economics, 73(1) February 2004, pp. 215-232.



“Discreteness and the Welfare Cost of Labour Supply Tax Distortions”, (with Keshab Bhattarai), International Economic Review, August 2003, 44(3): 1117-33.

"Developing Country Benefits From MFN Relative to Regional/Bilateral Trade Arrangements" (with Madanmohan Ghosh and Carlo Perroni). Review of International Economics, September 2003; 11(4): 712-28.

"Exploring the Links between Transaction Costs, Income Distribution and Economic Performance in a Case Study for Columbia" (with Maurizio Bussolo). Economie Internationale: La Revue du CEPII, No. 94-95, (2-3 trimestre) 2003: 235-260.



“Efficiency Considerations and the Exemption of Food From Sales and Value Added Taxes” (with Aled Ab Iowerth), Canadian Journal of Economics, 35(1) February 2002, pp. 166-182.

"Reviewing Proposals for a World Environmental Organisation" (with Magnus Lodefalk). The World Economy, 25(5) May 2002, pp.601-617.

"An Internalisation-based World Environmental Organisation" (with Ben Zissimos). The World Economy, 25(5) May 2002, pp.619-642.

"The Functioning of a Commitment Based WEO: Lessons From Experience with the WTO" (with Diana Tussie). The World Economy, 25(5) May 2002, pp.685-695.



"What Could a World Environmental Organization Do?" (with Ben Zissimos). Global Environmental Politics 1(1) February 2001, pp. 29-34.

"Trade and Environment: Bargaining Outcomes from Linked Negotiations” (with Carlo Perroni, Lisandro Abrego, and Randy Wigle). Review of International Economics, 9(3) August 2001, pp. 414-428.

"World Trade Organization" International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Smelser, N.J. and P. B. Baltes (eds.).Volume 24. Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier, 2001, pp. 16613-16616.

“VAT Base Broadening, Self Supply, and the Informal Sector”, (with John Piggott), American Economic Review, 91(4) September 2001, pp. 1084-1094.



Fiscal Reform and Structural Change in the Developing Countries, Volumes 1 and 2 (edited jointly with Guillermo Perry and Gary McMahon), Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: MacMillan Press, 2000.

"The New Regionalism: Trade Liberalization or Insurance?” (With Carlo Perroni). Canadian Journal of Economics, 33(1) February 2000, pp. 1-24.

"The Choice of Structural Model in Trade-Wages Decompositions" (with Lisandro Abrego). Review of International Economics, 8(3) August 2000, pp. 462-77.

"Trade and Environment Linkage and a Possible World Environmental Organisation" (with Ben Zissimos). Environment and Development Economics, 5(4) October 2000, pp. 510-516.



"On Some Properties of a Trade Closure Widely Used in Numerical Modelling” (with Keshab Bhattarai and Madan Ghosh). Economics Letters, 62(1) January 1999, pp. 13-21.

"Environmental Considerations in Tax Policy Design”. Environment and Development Economics, 4(1) February 1999, pp. 111-24.

“Reply to Apps/Rees and Gottfried/Richter” (with J. Piggott). Journal of Political Economy, 107(2) April 1999, pp. 410-18.

“The Problem of Capital Flight from Russia” (with A. Abalkin). The World Economy, 22(3) May 1999, pp. 421-44.

"Special and Differential Treatment in the Millennium Round" The World Economy, 22(8) November 1999, pp. 1065-93.

“The Tax Treatment of Financial Intermediation” (with Ngee Choon Chia). Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 31(4) November 1999, pp. 704-19.

“The Role of Labour Demand Elasticities in Tax Incidence Analysis with Heterogenous Labour”, (with Keshab Bhattarai), Empirical Economics, 24(4) November 1999, pp. 509-619.

"Multiple Constraint Relaxation and the Shadow Price of Foreign Exchange” (with Madan Ghosh and Eric Hutton). Journal of Development Economics, 60(2) December 1999, pp. 577-88.

"Towards a World Environmental Organization?" (with Peter Newell). IDS Bulletin: Globalisation and the Governance of the Environment, 30(3) 1999, pp. 16-



Uruguay Round Results and the Emerging Trade Agenda: Quantitative-Based Analyses from the Developmental Perspective (edited jointly with Harmon Thomas), New York; Geneva: United Nations, 1998. ‘Transnational social movements: an assessment’, 1998. Working Papers on Transnational Communities (WPTC 98-09), posted at

“Rents and the Cost and Optimal Design of Commodity Taxes” (with Carlo Perroni). Review of Economics and Statistics, 80(3) August 1998, pp. 357-64.



Environmental Issues in the New World Trading System (with Peter Uimonen). Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Macmillan, 1997.

"Tax Structure and Revenue Instability under External Shocks: Some General Equilibrium Calculations for Côte d'Ivoire" (with Christine Dawkins). Review of Development Economics, 1(1) February 1997, pp. 23-33.

"A Numerical Example Showing Globally Welfare-Worsening Liberalization of International Trade in Banking Services" (with Ngee-Choon Chia). Journal of Policy Modeling, 19(2) April 1997, pp. 119-27.

"Reference Point Dependence and Specification Bias” (with Eric Hutton). Economic Letters, 55(1) August 1997, pp. 75-83.

"The Potential Trade Effects of an FTA between the EU and Russia” (with Paul Brenton and Natalia Tourdyeva). Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (Review of World Economics), 133(2) 1997, pp. 205-225.



"The Redistributive Effects of Transfers” (with Keshab Bhattarai). NBER Working Paper #6281.

"Evaluating Labour Adjustment Costs from Trade Shocks: Illustrations for the U.S. Economy Using an Applied General Equilibrium Model with Transactions Costs" (with Ramon L. Clarete and Irene Trela). NBER Working Paper 4628, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

"Variable Fixed Costs, and the Welfare Costs of Taxes” (with Aled Ab Iowerth).

"Demand Side Considerations in the Trade and Wages Debate" (with Lisandro Abrego).

"Computational Evidence on Trade Direction Changes" (with Ray Riezman and Lisandro Abrego).

"Propositional Analysis and Customs Union Findings" (with Lisandro Abrego).

"Are Clear Property Rights Always a Good Thing?" (with Lisandro Abrego).

"Environmental Considerations and the Intensification of Trade Wars" (with Ben Zissimos).

"Firm Property Rights, Bargaining, and Internalization" (with Lisandro Abrego)

"Decomposing Wage Inequality Change Using General Equilibrium Models" (with Lisandro Abrego) NBER #W9184.

"Adaptation, Internalization and Environmental Damage" (with Lisandro Abrego)

"Likelihood of Free Trade" (with Lisandro Abrego and Ray Riezman)

"How Reasonable are the Assumptions Used in Theoretical Models?: Computational Evidence of the Likelihood of Trade Pattern Changes" (with Lisandro Abrego and Ray Riezman) NBER #W8169

"Labour Heterogeneity, Programme Conditionality, and Redistribution Through Government Transfer Programmes" (with Keshab Bhattarai) NBER #W6281

"Regeneration Labour Supply and the Welfare Cost of Taxes" (with Edgar Cudmore) NBER #W10138

"Ownership, and Use Tax as Congestion Correcting Instruments" (with Ngee-Choon Chia and Albert K. C. Tsui) NBER #W8278.

"Short and Long Run Decompositions of OECD Wage Inequality Changes" (with Huw Edwards) NBER #W9265.

"Endogenous Effort and Intersectoral Labour Transfers Under Industrialization" (with Madan Ghosh).

"State-Owned Enterprises, Shirking and Trade Liberalization" (with Madan Ghosh), NBER #W7696

"Calibmetrics" (with Hui Huang)

"Multiple Nash Equilibria in Tariff Games" (with Hui Huang and Shunming Zhang).

"GATS/Services liberalization" (with Hui Huang and Shunming Zhang).

"Household Production and Base Broadening Sales Tax Reform" (with Aled Ab Iowerth)

"Migration and Pollution" (with Raghbendra Jha)

"Puzzles Over International Taxation of Cross Border Flows of Capital Income" NBER #W8662.

"Closeness of Equilibria" (with Shunming Zhang).

"Surfing the Manifolds of an Economy with 5 Equilibria" (with Shunming Zhang).

"Tax Induced Multiple Equilibria" (with Shunming Zhang).

"Vat Base Broadening when the Location of some Consumption is Mobile" (with Shunming Zhang).