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1999 Working Papers

No. & Date
Abstract & Full Document
Richard Higgott & Nicola Phillips Global Governance and the Public Domain: Collective Goods in a 'Post-Washington Consensus' Era 47/99 November Abstract
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John Whalley Environmental Considerations in a New Multilateral Agricultural Negotiation, and Associated Developing Country Implications 46/99 November Abstract
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M. Ayhan Kose & Raymond Riezman Understanding the Welfare Implications of Preferential Trade Agreements 45/99 October Abstract
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Raymond Riezman Can Bilateral Trade Agreements Help Induce Free Trade? 44/99 October Abstract
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M. Ayhan Kose & Raymond Riezman Trade Shocks and Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Africa

43/99 October

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Morten Ougaard Approaching the Global Polity 42/99 October Abstract
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Robin Naylor and Michele Santoni

Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Bargaining 41/99 October Abstract
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Robin Naylor Endogenous Determination of Trade Regime and Bargaining Outcome 40/99 October Abstract
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Kevin Hewison Localism in Tailand: a Study of Globalisation and its Discontents 39/99, September Abstract
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Shaun Breslin Decentralisation, Globalisation and the "Creation" of Trans-National Economic Regions in the People's Republic of China 38/99, September Abstract
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James Cassing & Ted To When and Why do Domestic Respondents oppose AD Petitions 37/99 July Abstract
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John Whalley Developing Countries in the Global Economy: A Forward Looking View 36/99 July Abstract
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Marcus Miller & Lei Zhang Sovereign Liquidity Crisis: The Strategic Case for a Payments Standstill 35/99 May Abstract
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Lisandro Abrego and John Whalley The Choice of Structural Model in Trade-Wages Decompositions 34/99 May Abstract
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Martin Cripps Capital Market Risk and the Dynamics of the Income Distribution 33/99 May Abstract
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Howard Stein Globalisation, Adjustment and the Structural Transformation of African Economies?: The Role of International Financial Institutions 32/99 May Abstract
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Jan Aart Scholte Global Civil Society: Changing the World? 31/99 May Abstract
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John Whalley Special and differential Treatment in the Millennium Round 30/99 May Abstract
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Richard Devetak & Richard Higgott Justice Unbound? Globalisation, States and the Transformation of the Social Bond 29/99 May Abstract
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Ben Lockwood & Jonathan P. Thomas Gradualism and Irreversibility 28/99 May Abstract
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Lisandro Abrego, Carlo Perroni, John Whalley & Randall Wigle Trade and Environment: Bargaining Outcomes from Linked Negotiations 27/99 April Abstract
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Lisandro Abrego Trade Liberalization and Foreign Direct Investment: An Applied General Equilibrium Model for Costa Rica 26/99 April Abstract
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John Whalley Building Poor Countries Trade Capacity 25/99 March Abstract
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Christopher W. Hughes Japanese Policy and the East Asian Currency Crisis: Abject Defeat or Quiet Victory? 24/99 February Abstract
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Daniel Drache Globalization: Is There Anything to Fear? 23/99 February Abstract
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Richard Higgott & Nicola Phillips The Limits of Global Liberalisation: Lessons from Asia and Latin America 22/99 January Abstract
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