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Current Directors

Dr Caroline Kuzemko

Professor Tom Long

Past Directors



Lena Rethel

Professor Lena Rethel


Director of CSGR

2019 - 2024





Dr Gabriel Siles-Brügge

Director of CSGR
2018 – 2019



Dr André Broome

Director of CSGR
2015 – 2018

shaun_breslin.jpg Professor Shaun Breslin

Director of CSGR
2011 – 2015

leonard_seabrooke.jpg Professor Leonard Seabrooke

Director of CSGR
2009 – 2010


Professor Chris Hughes

Acting Director of CSGR
2007 – 2008 (Deputy Director, 2002 – 2007)

jan_aart_scholte.jpg Professor Jan Aart Scholte

Co-Director of CSGR
2002 – 2007

 richard_higgott.jpg Professor Richard Higgott

Director of CSGR
1997 – 2007 (Founding Director)