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Ralf Rogowski Publications



“Aufbruch in das Weltrecht. Thesen zu Recht und Politik in Luhmann's Weltgesellschaft (The Emergence of World Law. Theses on Law and Policy in Luhmann’s World Society”. IABLIS. Jahrbuch für europäische Prozesse (Yearbook for European Processes), Vol. 3, 2004, pp. 10-32.

“Deregulierung und Reregulierung von Übergangsarbeitsmärkten (Deregulation und Reregulation of Transitional Labour Markets)” (with T. Wilthagen) WSI-Mitteilungen 3/2004 (special issue on deregulation), pp. 132-141.



Constitutional Courts in Comparison. The U.S. Supreme Court and the German Federal Constitutional Court. Ed. by R. Rogowski, T. Gawron. Oxford, New York: Berghahn, 2002.

“Civil Law”, in Legal Systems of the World. Four Vols.. Ed. by H. Kritzer. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO 2002, Vol. I, pp. 304-308.



Labour Market Efficiency in the European Union. K. Schömann, R. Rogowski, T. Kruppe. London: Routledge (Studies in the European Economy 6) 1998.



Civil Law. Ed. by R. Rogowski. International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory. New York: New York University Press 1996.

Challenges to European Legal Scholarship. Ed. by G. Wilson, R.Rogowski. London: Blackstone (Series: Law in its Social Setting) 1996.



Reflexive Labour Law. Studies in Industrial Relations and Employment Regulation. Ed. by R.Rogowski, T. Wilthagen. Deventer: Kluwer 1994