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Project on Causal Understanding 2004-2008

Project Seminars 2004-2008

24 June 2008
Henrika Moll, (Psychology, Leipzig): The development of children's understanding of perception
time: 4pm
venue: S0.08

18 January 2008
Matt Nudds, (Philosophy, Edinburgh): Children's understanding of perception and the senses
time: 4pm
venue: S0.09

12 October 2007
Bill Brewer, (Philosophy, Warwick): Kinds of Causal Explanation in Perception
Pual Snowdon, (Philosophy, UCL): Perceptual Concepts as Non-causal Concepts
time: 2pm
venue: S0.09

1 December 2006
Markus Schrenk, Dispositions, Causation, and Necessity
time: 2pm
venue: Social Studies S0.09

17 November 2006
Erika Nurmsoo, Children's sensitivity to a speaker's knowledge in word learning.
time: 2pm
venue: Ramphal R2.41

3 November 2006
Tim Crane, Aboutness
time: 2pm
venue: Ramphal R1.13

27 October 2006 please note unusual venue
Susanna Siegel, The Visual Experience of Causation
Reading: The Visual Experience of Causation
time: 2pm
venue: Social Studies S0.17

12 June 2006
John Campbell
time: 1 ish
venue: under the tree outside Gibbett Hill cafe

26 May 2006
Usha Goswami, Analogical Reasoning by Children
Reading: Analogical reasoning in children
time: 2pm
venue: Ramphal R1.03

19, May, 2006:
Marc Buehner: Timing and causal induction: Rates, probabilities, and experimental limitations
Reading: Contiguity and covariance in human causal inference; also A Causal Power Approach to Learning with Rates
time: 2pm
venue: Ramphal R1.03

5, May, 2006:
Anne Schlottmann: Percepts for learning about the social world
time: 2pm
venue: Ramphal R1.03

17, February, 2006:
Paul Smith, 'Causality and art, and other daft ideas'
time: 2pm
venue: Ramphal R1.03
reading: none

27, January, 2006:
Luc Bovens, 'Bayes Nets Tutorial'
time: 2pm
venue: Ramphal R1.03
Reading: E. Cherniak, 'Bayesian Networks without Tears'

13, January, 2006:
Tim Crane, 'The efficacy of colour, shape and size'
background reading: Stephen Yablo, 'Mental causation' (Philosophical Review 1992)
time: 2pm
venue: Ramphal R1.03

9 December 2005:
Hemdat Lerman, On Seeing Causation
time: 2pm
venue: S2.81

11, November, 2005:
Tony Dickinson, Causal learning: An associative analysis
optional extra paper (more formal, a simulation of one particular theory and its application to causal learning paradigms): Simulations of a Modified SOP Model Applied to Retrospective Revaluation of Human Causal Learning
time: 2pm
venue: Ramphal R1.13

14, October, 2005:
Liz Robinson, Thinking about the Causes of Beliefs
time: 2pm
venue: Ramphal R1.13

Tuesday 28th June, *4pm* (not 2pm), room S0.20:
Nicky Clayton (Psychology, Cambridge): Convergent Evolution of Intelligence: The Case of Corvid Cognition
Reading: Emery and Clayton (2004), The Mentality of Crows: Convergent Evolution of Intelligence in Corvids and Apes

27th May 2005, 2pm, room R3.41:
Michael Waldman (Psychology, Goettingen): Seeing versus Doing: Two modes of accessing causal knowledge in people and rats
Reading: Michael Waldmann and York Hagmayer, Seeing Versus Doing: Two Modes of Accessing Causal Knowledge

29th April 2005, 2pm, room R3.41:
Helen Steward (Philosophy, Oxford): Determinism and Inevitability
Reading: Daniel Dennett, "Freedom Evolves" chapters 2-3.

25th February 2005, 2pm, room R241:
David Shanks (Psychology, UCL): Association and Causation
Reading: Judging Covariation and Causation

18th February 2005, 2pm, room R241
David Lagnado (Psychology, UCL): 'Beyond Covariation: Cues to Causal Structure'
Reading: 'Beyond Covariation: Cues to Causal Structure' by David Lagnado, Michael R. Waldmann, York Hagmayer and Steven A. Sloman, to appear in A. Gopnik and L. E. Schulz (eds.), Causal Learning: Psychology, Philosophy, and Computation

28th January 2005, 2pm, room R241
Gergely Csibra (Psychology, Birkbeck): Social learning and social cognition: The case for pedagogy
Reading: Social learning and social cognition: The case for pedagogy

7th January 2005, 2pm, room R2.41
Huw Price (Philosophy, Sydney): Foreign Perspectives on the Causal Realm
Reading: Causal Perspectivalism

5th November 2004, 2pm, room R113:
Nick Chater (Psychology, Warwick): Mental mechanisms: Speculations on human causal learning and reasoning
Reading: Mental mechanisms: Speculations on human causal learning and reasoning

29th October 2004, 4pm, room R341:
Helen Beebee (Philosophy, Manchester): Physical Biffing and Mental Causing

15th October 2004, 2pm, room R012:
Sarah Beck (Psychology, Birmingham): Children's thinking about counterfactuals and future events as possibilities
Reading: Draft: Children's thinking about counterfactuals and future events as possibilities