Actions: the Mental and the Bodily
Saturday 6th July 09:30-18:00 and Sunday 7th July 10:00-17:00
Conference Overview
Saturday 6 July 2019
0900-0945 Registration
0945-1000 Opening Remarks
1000-1115 Tom Crowther (Warwick) - ‘Dreams, Imagination and the First Person’
1115-1145 Refreshments (provided)
1145-1300 Tom McClelland (Warwick) - ‘Attention and Attendabilia: An Affordance-Based Account of Acts of Attention’
1300-1400 Lunch (provided)
1400-1600 Short Talk Session 1 (Chair, Michael Brent)
Nicolas Alzetta (Antwerp) ‘Attention Skill and Knowledge’
Chiara Brozzo (Tubingen) ‘A Minimal Hierarchical Theory of Bodily Action’
Sam Wilkinson (Exeter) and Max Jones (Bristol) ‘Can the Predictive Processing Framework Explain the Mental Act of Imagining?’
Sophie Keeling (Edinburgh) ‘Agency and Self-Awareness’
1630-1800 Kath Bicknell (Macquarie) & Wayne Christensen (Warwick) - ‘Cognition, Collaboration, and the Highly Context-sensitive Nature of Affordances’
19:30+ Conference Dinner at Radcliffe (on campus)
Sunday 7 July 2019
10.00-11.15 Lucy Campbell (Warwick) ‘Mental Action and Practical Knowledge’
11.15-11.45 Refreshments (provided)
11.45-12.45 Short Talk Session 2 (Chair: Robyn Waller)
Lilian O’Brien (Helsinki) ‘Control and Attributability’
Juan Pablo Bermudez (Externado University of Colombia) ‘The Upside of Mental Effort’
13.45-15.15 Lucy O’Brien (UCL) & Matt Soteriou (KCL) ‘Still and Silent Soliloquy’
15.15-15.45 Refreshments (provided)
15.45-16.45 Short Talk Session 3 (Chair: Robyn Waller)
Antonia Peacocke (NYU) ‘Content Plurality in Mental Action’
Yarran Hominh (Columbia) ‘Habitual Mental Action’
This conference marks the end of the Leverhulme-funded project 'Mental Action and Cognitive Phenomenology' led by Tom McClelland at the University of Warwick.