Events Calendar
Critical Theory Reading Group
The Critical Theory Reading Group will be reading three texts in Feminism over the next three weeks. We meet on Wednesdays from 14.30-16.00 and the readings and rooms are as follows:
20th Nov - S1.69 - 'Introduction' and 'Chapter 3: The Point of View of Historical Materialism' from Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex.
27th Nov - S1.71 - 'Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory' by Judith Butler.
4th Dec - S1.69 - 'Introduction' and 'Chapter 3: The Great Caliban, The Struggle Against the Rebel Body' from Silvia Frederici's Caliban and the Witch.
Each extract will be introduced by a member of the group and we welcome future suggestions for themes and specific readings.
Please email if you'd like to come along or stay up-to-date with what we're reading in future weeks through our whatsapp group.
See also:
Department of Philosophy Events
Arts Faculty Events