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Warwick- Geneva Philosophy of Mind Conference 2014

Saturday March 15th, 10:00 - 17:30, in room MS.05

Conference programme

10.00- 11.30

Michele Ombrato (University of Geneva)

Occurrent emotions and affective dynamics

Reply: Ivan Ivanov (University of Warwick)

11.45- 1.15

Roberta Locatelli (University of Warwick)

Hallucinations and the Motivation for Naïve Realism

Reply: Michele Ombrato (University of Geneva)

2.15- 3.45

Johannes Roessler (University of Warwick)

Developing a Disjunctivist Theory of Mind

4.00- 5.30

Fabrice Teroni (University of Bern/University of Geneva)

Seeming to Remember