Study Abroad
We support student mobility through study abroad programmes and all students have the opportunity to apply for an intercalated year abroad at one of our partner universities.
The Study Abroad Team based in the International Office offers support for these activities, and the Department’s dedicated Study Abroad Co-ordinator can provide more specific information and assistance.
Integrated Exchange Programmes
In these programmes, you will spend your second year at a partner university. You will take modules that match the modules you would have taken on your chosen pathway, had you remained at Warwick. The grades obtained count directly towards the final degree.
Exchange programmes are always department-to-department. To qualify for access to an exchange sponsored by one of the PPE departments, your pathway should include the discipline that corresponds with the overseas department where you will spend your second year.
Places are always limited, and admission to an exchange programme is competitive. Below is list of some of the exchanges available to studetns in 2016-17.
Philosophy: The Department of Philosophy has exchange agreements with Queen’s University Ontario and the University of Western Ontario. More information
PAIS: The Department of Politics and International Studies has exchange schemes with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University or Toronto and the University of Waterloo. More information
Intercalated Year Exchange Programmes
On intercalated-year programmes, students spend an additional year between their second and final years at a partner institution. Students follow an approved programme of study. The grades obtained do not count directly towards the final degree. Provide you pass the year, the reward is that you graduate in "PPE with intercalated year," showing that you have broader experience than other graduates.
Here are just some of the exchanges in place in 2016-17:
Philosophy: Erasmus scheme partners are Dijon (France), Jena (Germany), Koln (Germany), Madrid (Spain), Rome (Italy), and Koc University (Istanbul; the language of instruction at this University is English). More information
PAIS: Erasmus scheme partners are in Paris, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Aix-en-Provence, Salzburg, Wien, Konstanz, Madrid, and Pavia. More information
Economics: Erasmus scheme partners are the Universities of Amsterdam, Lille, Madrid Carlos III, Munich, Barcelona Autonoma, Paris Sorbonne, Paris IEP, UPF Barcelona, Antwerp, and Venice. More information
PPE students are usually able to take a language module in their first year, we have a wide variety of languages at Warwick including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.