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Toxic Expertise Project Launch

Toxic Expertise: Environmental Justice and the Global Petrochemical Industry


4 November 2015, 5pm-7pm

Zeeman Building (Mathematics) Room MS.04

Thu 01 Oct 2015, 14:36 | Tags: Homepage Undergraduate Postgraduate Research Staff

Free ESRC seminar on bullying - book now

Dr Stella Chatzitheochari will be speaking at a free ESRC seminar in London on Monday 9th November from 9.30am-12.00pm.

The seminar, organised by Centre for Longitudinal Studies at UCL Institute of Education, is hosted as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science, in collaboration with the Anti-Bullying Alliance.

For further information and to book your ticket, visit the website now.

Tue 29 Sep 2015, 16:34 | Tags: Homepage Conference, Debate or Seminar Staff

Body and Society Special Issue - ‘Estranged Bodies: Shifting Paradigms and the Biomedical Imaginary’

The Department of Sociology is pleased to announce that Professor Deborah Lynn Steinberg has guest edited a special issue of Body and Society 2015 ‘Estranged Bodies: Shifting Paradigms and the Biomedical Imaginary’ and that this has just been published.

Tue 22 Sep 2015, 18:45 | Tags: Homepage Research Publications

Dr Hannah Jones speaks to the world's media on the ongoing migrant crisis in Europe, and on race relations in the USA.

You can find out more and watch her at the following links:

On Sky News on the migration crisis in Europe

On Sky News on protests in Ferguson

In The Conversation on public opinion and the migration crisis

On The Huffington Post Blog on British policy on the migration crisis

Mon 07 Sep 2015, 16:42 | Tags: Homepage Research

Dr Eric Jensen speaks on the killing of Cecil the Lion

Warwick Sociology lecturer Eric Jensen recently appeared on the internet-based television news programme Huffpost Live to discuss the sociological implications of the now infamous killing of Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe. You can watch here:

Mon 03 Aug 2015, 09:41 | Tags: Homepage Research

ESRC Future Research Leaders (FRL) Scheme 2015-2016

The ESRC has now opened its fifth annual call for applications for the Future Research Leaders Scheme with a deadline of 29th September 2015. Full details of the FRL scheme, including eligibility requirements and other guidance, can be found here.

The Sociology Department is seeking to nominate a limited number of outstanding candidates. We will be running a preliminary internal competition as part of a wider University screening process in order to determine which candidates the Department will be supporting in the competition.

In the first stage of this process, applicants seeking a Sociology nomination for this scheme should send the following items to Professor Gurminder K Bhambra ( by 31 July 2015:

(1) A 2/3 page summary of their research proposal (to include sections on methodology, skill development and impact following ESRC guidance on these issues in their detailed guidance for applicants)

(2) A 2 page CV following the ESRC guidance

(3) A 1 page statement from the applicant's prospective mentor (who must be a permanent member of Sociology academic staff) in support of application, including its scientific quality and fit with Departmental research profile and expertise.

In the second stage of the process, nominated candidates (who will be nominated at the discretion of the Head of Department & Research Director), will receive feedback on their applications by 3 August and will be requested to submit their applications to the University selection process, with the support of the Department, by 6 August 2015.

Wed 15 Jul 2015, 19:58 | Tags: Homepage Postgraduate Research

The Relational Subject

It is with great pleasure that the Department of Sociology can announce that Professor Margaret S. Archer has published a new book with Professor Pierpaolo Donati on 'The Relational Subject'.

Fri 26 Jun 2015, 15:24 | Tags: Homepage Research Publications

Genes and the Bioimaginary: Science, Spectacle, Culture

The Department of Sociology is pleased to announce that Professor Deborah Lynn Steinberg has just published a new book on Genes and the Bioimaginary. Genes and the Bioimaginary examines the dramatic rise and contemporary cultural apotheosis of ‘the gene’. In this book she traces not only the genetification of modern life but is also a journey through the complex relationship between science and culture.

Mon 22 Jun 2015, 17:18 | Tags: Homepage

Engaged teaching within the Social Sciences

A report by Dr Eric Jensen (Sociology, University of Warwick) and doctoral researcher Carli Rowell (Sociology, University of Warwick) on Higher Education Academy-funded project on engaged teaching practices within UK sociology has just been published:

This report discusses the potential and challenges of embedding engagement with civil society organisations within the higher education curriculum and teaching practice in sociology and other social sciences.

Wed 27 May 2015, 16:50 | Tags: Homepage Research

Centre for Social Ontology PhD/ECR Conference

June 23rd, University of Warwick, 10am – 4pm

R1.15, Ramphal Building

Social ontology is integral to the study of society. It is impossible to inquire into the social world without some understanding, at least tacitly, concerning the entities which make up that world and their properties and powers. However social ontology remains an often confused and contentious matter within the social sciences.

The conference is open to all PhD students and Early Career Researchers with an interest in social ontology.


Tue 26 May 2015, 13:38 | Tags: Postgraduate Research Conference, Debate or Seminar Staff

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