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Graduate Seminar Series - Past Sessions (2004-Present)

Recordings are available for some of these talks - look for the audio icon after the title, and click on it to listen to the recording.


Seminar 1: Gender Fluidity, Non-Normative and Social Critiques - 7th February
- Kinjoli Das (Jadavpur University) - “He is a woman!”: Examining Transcending Gender Boundaries And Sexuality in Woolf’s Orlando and Ghosh’s Chitrangada: A Crowning Wish (2012)
- Aditi Maddali (Tata Institute of Social Sciences) - The matter of non-normativity: Locating materiality in non-normative families
- Deepika Singh (Jawaharlal Nehru University) - Labouring women: a study of paid domestic work in India

Seminar 2: Gender and Queerness: Exploring intersectional experiences - 28th February
- Syed Taha Kaleem (Brandeis University) - Desiring Whiteness: Race and Queerness in Qatar
- Rieke Schröder (Aalborg University) - Revisiting ‘intimate insider’ positionalities. A critical examination of identity, expertise, and the white activist gaze on LGBTIQ+ displacement
- Baby Rizwana N V (Independent Researcher) - Intersecting Gender and Disability: A Critical Evaluation of the Film “Peranbu” (2018)

Seminar 3: Marginalisation of women and silencing feminist voices - 13th March
- Muskan Sachdeva (Trinity College Dublin) - Female Sexuality in 19th century India: A Case Study of Victorian Conjugality in Bengal
- Rabia Erdem (Social Sciences University of Ankara) - The Voice and its Owner(s) in Erendiz Atasü’s Short Story Collection "Women Also Exist"
- Talat (National Institute of Technology Patna) - Bodies in Resistance: Dalit Women’s Struggle Against Objectification in Indian Society

Seminar 4: Exploring Gendered Work and Oppression: Insights from the Indian Waste Economy, Gender Pricing, and Romanticised Domestic Labour - 15th May
- Joel John Sakhi (O.P Jindal University) - Invisible Workforce in a Visible Waste Economy
- Suzana Rahde Gerchmanne (City, University of London) - Women labour and pay more to be (recognised as) women: an analysis of gendered legal subjectivities taking gender pricing (pink tax) as a case study
- Isabel Sykes (Brunel University London) - Tradwives and stay-at-home girlfriends: the romanticisation of domestic labour on TikTok

Seminar 5: Exploring Transgender and Gender Diverse Experiences: Embodiment, Policies, and Lived Realities - 5th June
- Kayden J Schumacher (Coventry University) - Transcribing the Trans Experience: Trans Embodiment in the English Education System
- Ayushi Banerjee (Tata Institute of Social Sciences) - Influence of on-screen portrayals of queerness on queer identity formation among youth in India
- Kopai Riti (Tata Institute of Social Sciences) - “Trendification” of Weddings: Embracing Culture or A Step Back for Feminism?


Seminar 1: The Law and Legal Systems - 1st December
- Blanka Cop (University of Split) - "Where Would We Be If We Detained All Family Abusers?" Necessity Of Feminist Perspective in Study and Prevention of Femicide in Croatia
- Shreya Mahajan (Jawaharlal Nehru University) - Gender and the Law: Construction of insanity by Indian Courts
- Mia Parkes (University of Birmingham) - Women’s writing in Franco’s prisons: motherhood, femininity, and solidarity
Seminar 2: Feminism, Identity and Subjectivity - 25th January
- Georgia Lin (University of Oxford) - “Legal” vs. “Preferred”: An Autoethnography on the Affective Consequences of Whiteness in Naming
- Lingchen Huang (University of Oxford) - Affective Bodies, Playing and Micropolitics in "O Lustre" by Clarice Lispector

- Eva Liu (Ohio University) - MeToo activism without the #MeToo hashtag: online debates over entertainment celebrities’ sex scandals in China
Seminar 3: Nationalism and State's Policies - 8th March

- Xuerui Hu (University College London) - Family-based Reproductive Citizenship: lesbians' journey of having a child in mainland China
- Kimia Talebi (London School of Economics) - "Unveiling" the modern man and woman: the transformation of gender in Pahlavi Iran, 1925-41
- Debadrita Saha (Brainware University) - The embodied semiotics of the subaltern subject: mapping the sexual agency of female domestic workers in colonial Bengal
- Rachel Abreu (University of Stirling) - Instagram, Beauty and the Role of Religious, Ethnic Background
Seminar 4: Queer Phenomenology - 26th April
- Flora Löffelmann (University of Vienna) - When Clocks Stop Working – Queer Temporality, Collective Continuance and Rhetoric-Epistemic Oppression
- Sofia Sanabria de Felipe (University of Oxford) - Non-binary neurodivergent lived experience: a case study in being at home in one’s virtual and physical body
Seminar 5: Women on the Screen - 31st May
- Lydia Brammer (University of Warwick) - Forgotten Melodrama: Girlhood and Relatability in Ayako Wakao’s Early Star Image
- Lucia Celdran Noguera (Universidad de Murcia) - Between feminism and dictatorship: TV adaptation of ‘Jane Eyre’ in England and Spain in the 1970s”


Seminar 1: Law and Disorder - 27th October
- Lizzie Hughes - “I walk gently and speak softly”: exploring how we hear gender by interrogating the surveillance of sound within the public bathroom
- Meghan Hoyt - Misogyny and Hate Crime
- Molly Ackhurst and Nic Aaron - The Productive Character of Carcerality: How are carceral logics producing and shaping critical feminist approaches to sexual violence?
Seminar 2: Queer and Dynamic Identities - 24th November
- Andreea Moise - A Soul in Physical Stress: Transgender Epistemologies and Transitioning Ethics in Djuna Barnes's Nightwood
- Athina Mara - Regulating same-sex parenting in Greece: institutional changes, social acceptance, claims

- Marietta Kosma - Decoloniality, Borderlands, and Transformative Visions

Seminar 3: History and Culture - 8th December
- Siti Shari - The Status of the Victorian Women and Infanticide: History Behind Infanticide Act 1938
- Arna Dirghangi - The nouvelle femme of Calcutta: How the 1947 Bengal Partition set forth a newly-acquired agency in the refugee woman during post-partition resettlement
- Aleksandr Lepin - Social work with single-fathers raising children following divorce in Russia
- Amy Andrada - The Construction of Motherhood: Re-conceptualizing Single Mothers

Seminar 4: Patriarchal Institutions - 9th January
- Taoyuan Luo - 'Feminist’ as a problematic tag: young Chinese women distancing themselves from a feminist identity and the rising feminist zeal
- Islam Al Khatib - Re-purposing Solidarity: Grief as a Feminist Tool in the MENA
- Abena Nyarkoa - What factors help us understand the academic achievement of a small group of Ghanaian girls from disadvantaged backgrounds? Participants lived experiences
- Sritama Manda - Gender and Health in India

Seminar 5: Women on the Move - 2nd February
- Caoimhe Kiernan - How can the affects inspired by the global feminist judgment projects influence the gender composition of judiciaries in common law jurisdictions?
- Lucy Crompton - "Gender bias in financial remedies on divorce"
- Erin Geraghty - "Why enquire into something the world already knows about?” Comparing imperial feminist motivations for Millicent Fawcett’s ‘Committee of Ladies’ to South Africa 1901 and the Women’s International League delegation to Ireland 1920
- Kathrina Perry - Ladies of the Shoe Trade: Philanthropy, politics and the social significance of the wives of prominent shoe manufacturers in Northampton, 1870 – 1950

Seminar 6: Media and Literature - 2nd March
- Hannah Sherwood - 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun': Development of the Music Video and the Female Body
- Irene Rodriguez Pintado - Female creation as female self-assertion: The Diary of Anaïs Nin and Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar on female creativity and authorship
- Nelly Fais-sad - Lolita – The Myth of the Child-Woman in Visual Media Concepts
- Melissa Arkley-Simpson - Let Us Be Angry! An Intersectional Analysis of Feminist Anger Expressed Through the Affective Labour of Female Extreme Metal Vocalists



Seminar 1: Gender-Based Violence - 28th October
- Sally-Anne Beverley - Bisexual Women's Experiences of Violence
- Ana Beires - Gender-based Violence Primary Prevention Programmes: Preliminary results in the Portuguese context

Seminar 2: Intersectionality in Social Movements - 2nd December
- Meryem Choukri - Archives of Resistance - Black Feminist and Feminist of Colour Movements in Germany
- Caryn Thandi Petersen - Pedagogies of Discomfort: Intersectionality in the South African Decolonial Student Movement

Seminar 3: Negotiating Medical Body Presentations - 9th December
- Louise Morgan - Clean Eating and the Gendered Body in Twenty-First Century Britain
- Vicky Hodgson - Using the photographic self- portrait to represent the impact of medical intervention in relation to breast cancer treatment on the older woman's body

Seminar 4: Negotiating Aesthetic Presentations of The Body - 20th January
- Chalisa Chintrakarn - The Effects of Gender in Cosmetic Surgery among Young Thai Women
- Fabiola Creed - "Bimbos", "Gold Diggers" And "Escorts": 'Immoral' Sunbed Consumers Before the Sex and The City

Seminar 5: Criminalising Gender - 3rd March
- Chiedza Adelaide Chinhanu - Performing consent with women in Zimbabwe's prison
- Cátia Pontedeira - Sentencing intimate partner homicides in Portugal: as in-depth look into male and female perpetrators
A recording of this event is available in VIDEO format and AUDIO format.
Seminar 6: Cultures of Sex in Educational Contexts - 10th March
- Alice King - 'I'm not surprised it's happening but I don't think it is right': Contradictions and tensions in female student attitudes towards sexual violence at elite universities


Seminar 1: Grassroots activism - 9th October
- Amanda Ptolomey, University of Glasgow - Developing zine-making as a feminist participatory research method to generate new knowledge about disabled girlhoods
- Rebecca Gordon, University of Cambridge - Understanding the impact of a grassroots organisation on girls’ educational potential in rural Bihar
Seminar 2: Medicine and Health - 23rd October
- Gemma Williams, Birmingham City University - Chronic health and menstrual equity
- Sara Bamdad, University of Warwick - Negotiated numbers: communication of uncertainty and risk in the everyday practice of reproductive technologies in Iran
Seminar 3: Non-Binary Histories - 20th November
- Katerina Garcia-Walsh, Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Gender transmutation in Arthur Machen's Occult
- Ellie Mumford, Kingston Art School - Non-binary fashion practices
Seminar 4: Storytelling and Poetry - 15th January
- Ruth Kelly, University of York - Red Riding Hood and women's rights in Ireland and Uganda
- Iona Murphy, University of St Andrews - Disordered eating and domesticity: The mirroring of Anorexia Nervosa in the poetry of Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton

Seminar 5: Queer Relationships - 29th January
- Morgane Donse, University of York - Decriminalising same sex acts in the Commonwealth in a post-colonial context
- Ira Roldugina, University of Oxford - Queer marriage in early Soviet Russia


Seminar 1 - 24th October
- Demet Gulcicek, University of Warwick

Seminar 2: State and Gender: Reproductive Rights and Discursive Formations around Gender - 21st November
- Kailing Xie, University of Warwick - Premarital Abortion, what is the harm? Responsibilization of women's pregnancy among China's "privileged" daughters
- Desy Ayu Pirmasari, Lancaster University - Gender Construction within Sharia Lae in Aceh, Indonesia

Seminar 3: Narratives of Embodiment: Empowering Bodies and Practices - 28th November
- Rachele Salvatelli, University of York - On Fat Female Embodiment: Narratives of 'Coming Out as Fat'
- Paz Saavedra, University of Warwick - The Reproduction of Intergenerational Memory in Practices of Care of Traditional Midwives and Farmers in Ecuador

Seminar 4: Queerness and Faith - 16th January
- Christine Jackson-Taylor, University of York - LGBTQ Women's Experiences of Faith and Religion: Journeying to God and Transition
- Dilvin Usta, University of York - Same Sex Intimacy and Intimate Citizenship: Experiences of Lived Religion of Non-Heterosexual Muslims

Seminar 5: Sexual Consent - 30th January
- Chiara Elena Cooper, University of Edinburgh - Considerong Consent and Power: Reflections from Ansari and Cat Person
- Julie Whiteman, University of Birmingham - New Perspectices in Reception Studies

Seminar 6: Contested Masculinities - 6th March
- Henry Price, University of Birmingham - Incel Subculture and Anti-Feminist Backlash
- Caroline Law, De Montfort University - Procreative Responsibility and Reproductive Timings: Exploring Men's Positions


Seminar 1: Masculinities in Social Movements - 25th October
- Chris Marlow, University of Lancaster - Oi. Dancing boy’ Movement, masculinity and the myth of Billy Elliot
- Chris Waugh, University of Leeds - Renouncing or rethinking left masculinity: anti-sexism, men’s politics and reflexivity in UK socialism

Seminar 2: Violence, Sexualities and (Dis)empowerment - 8th November
- Hande Güzel, University of Cambridge - Re-virginization and its Authorities: Stories of (Dis)empowerment
- Sabrina Moro, Nottingham Trent University - Fame-inism and the Politics of Celebrity Confessional

Seminar 3: Re-negotiating Femininities - 22th November
- Rosie Walters, University of Bristol - Connecting the Dots? Young women's participation in the UN Foundation's Girl Up programme
- Charlotte Sefton, University of Exeter - Mothers/Others: Sudanese Women (Re)negotiating Motherhood in Diaspora

Seminar 4: Women in Politicised Spaces: Negotiations, Achievements and Difficulties - 24th January
- Shailza Sharma, SOAS - University of London - Women Political Prisoners in India and the Gendered Nature of Prisons
- Yunyun Zhou, Oxford University - Individual Stories of Women Cadres in Leading Positions in China's Local Politics

Seminar 5: 'Invisible' Working Spaces - 7th February
- Flora Derounian, University of Bristol - Professed professionals: Nun's hidden labour
- Asiya Isla, University of Cambirdge - The managed body at work

Seminar 6: Agency, Resistance and Social Transformations - 12th March
- Silvia Diaz-Fernandez, Coventry University - Creating LGBTQ safe spaces? Mapping the affective agency within the context of lad culture in Higher Education



Seminar 1: Reinscribing Women's Roles: Tales from Three Cities - 19th October
- Alexa Winik, University of Warwick - 'Burden Bearers' and 'Tremulous Bodies': Reading Immigrant Jewish Female Desire in Anzia Yezierska's 'Bread Givers' and Lola Ridge's 'The Ghetto'
- Diana Venegas Butt, University College London - Les Belles de Nuit: The Sight and Sound of Women and the Waltz in 19th Century Paris
- Eunju Bahrisch, University of Warwick - Typewriters and Coffee: How did Korean Women take over the job of secretaries?

Seminar 2: Narratives of Gender from the Personal to the Professional - 2nd November
- Rita J. Dashwood, University of Warwick - 'An office in which she had always depended': Surrogate Managers in Jane Austen's 'Mansfield Park' and 'Persuasion'
- Faye McCarthy, Loughborough University - 'If you think of a pilot, you wouldn't think of a woman, would you?' Challenging the 'Male Norm' of the Pilot Profession

Seminar 3: Incorporating the Televisual and the Theoretical: Gender Identities in Flux - 16th November
- Matthew P. Motyka, University of Sussex - 'I'm no sissy!': Gay Male Effeminophobia, Social Darwinism, and Homonationalism in the Stepford Wives
- Chiara Pellegrini, Newcastle University - Creating a Narratological Framework and Gender-Fluid Narrators: a Difficult Encounter Between Queer Theory and Transgender Theory
- Greg Wolfman, University of Huddersfield - 'Warrior-Poet': Feminine Neoliberal Men in US Sitcoms

Seminar 4: Alternative Cultures: Developing Global Perspectives Through Resistance and Reflexivity - 30th November
- Farhana Abdul Fatah, University of Warwick - Listening to the Voices of the Non-Veiled
- Eva Cheuk-Yin Li, King's College - Performing Ambiguous Embodiment and Identity: a Study of Zhongxing and Chinese Popular Culture
- Roxanne Douglas, University of Warwick - Orientating: How can Western Feminists Analyse the Middle East?
- Daniela Pirani, Royal Holloway - The Sexual Politics of Veggies
- Giulia Nazzaro, University of East Anglia - How did Photographs Become Lesbian: Approaching the Photographic Collection of the Lesbian Herstory Archives (LHA) in New York City

Seminar 5: Women In and Beyond War: Justice, Conflict and Peacekeeping - 11th January
- Jennifer Eggert
, University of Warwick - A woman with a gun: Individual Motivations for Women's Involvement during the 1975-1990 Lebanese Civil War
- Sanne Weber, University of Warwick - Transitional Justice and the Transformation of 'Gender' Inequality in Colombia

Seminar 6: Gender and the Media: Articulating Experiences and Facilitating Change - 25th January
- Gyorgyi Horvath, London School of Economics - Domestic Violence in the Hungarian Media 2002-2013: the Mediation of Suffering and the Role of the Media as a Moral Agent for Social Change
- Jessie Bustillos, London Metropolitan University - Exploring Young People's Mediatisations on Social Media as Enabling Gender 'Response-abilities'

Seminar 7: Narrating the Stages of Life from a Gendered Perspective: Birth, Marriage and Middle Age - 8th March
- Ranjita Dilraj, University College London - Extolling the Birth Stories of Male Gods: a Reflection of Son Preference in Traditional Indian-Hindu Families
- Milena Popova, University of the West of England - Re-writing the Romance: Emotion Work and Sexual Consent in Arranged Marriage Fan-fiction
- Clare Anderson, University of Birmingham - 'There's more that can go wrong on a woman...' a Linguistic Analysis of Personal Discourses on Ageing


Seminar 1: Constructing Masculinities and Femininities: Regulation and Risk - 21st October
- Celia Edell, University of Sheffield - Masculinity and the Internalisation of the Male Gaze
- Eve Fensome, University of Manchester - Cyber Security and Gender
- Emily Setty, University of Surrey - Exploring the Gendered Nature of the Construction of, Response to and Experience of 'Youth Sexting'

Seminar 2: Feminist Participations and Contemporary Narratives in a Global Context - 4th November
- Ashjan Ajour, Goldsmiths - Representation of Power and Knowledge in Liberal Feminist Discourse
- Jonathan Daniel Luther, SOAS - Recovering Queer Resistances: Challenging Feminist Involvement in Cultural Nationalism

Seminar 3: Gendered Power and Political Discourses: Challenges in Society - 2nd December
- Jane Cessford, University of Stirling - Women in Glasgow under the New Poor Law between 1861 and 1901
- Dee Goddard, University of Kent - Do Women Party Leaders Promote Women? Analysing the Effect of Women Party Leaders on the Selection of Women Ministers across Europe, 1945-2014
- Jennifer McConnel, University of Manchester - Liberal Agents or Victims of Abuse? a Critical Discourse Analysis of Prostitution in the European Parliament

Seminar 4: Cultural Representations with a Gender Perspective: Narratives, Emotions and Experience - 27th January
- Joanna Cuttell, University of Warwick - The Traumatised Player (Character): Immersive Gaming, Violent Spectacle and the Male Subject's Drive to Master
- Sara Whiteway, University College London - Masculinity, Fatherhood and Education: an Exploration of the Educational Experiences and Aspirations of Teenage Fathers
- Zoe Shacklock, University of Warwick - 'Everywhere in the world they hurt little girls': Exploring Television's Obsession with Rape

Seminar 5: Constructing the Contemporary Family: Performing Parenthood and Impacts of Employment - 10th February
- Emily Christopher, University of Warwick - 'The Sector Effect'? How couples working in the public and private sector divide domestic labour
- Jai MacKenzie, Aston University - 'Can we have a child exchange?' Performing, mocking and subverting the 'good mother' in Mumsnet 'talk'

Seminar 6: A Gender Agenda: Visual Methods, Masculinities and the Environmental - 24th February
- Larissa Povey, Sheffield Hallam University - Watching while being watched: Early reflections on visual methods with 'at risk' women
- Isaac Newton, University of Cape Town - Negotiation of Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence: Perspectives of men in contemporary Ghana
- Sara Reis, University of Sheffield - Gendering EU Environmental Policy: Political Opportunities for Women's Groups

Seminar 7: Gender, Representation and Control: International Contexts - 9th March
- Bidrea Alnasser, University of Warwick - Issues of representation in narratives about and by Iraqi women
- Charlotte Rachael Proudman, University of Cambridge - A legal double standard: Prohibiting female genital mutilation while tolerating female genital cosmetic surgery



Seminar 1: Sexuality, Desire and Care Work - 21st January
- Nell Beecham, London School of Economics – A suitable match: A study of class in same-gender relationships.
- Aisha Nazeer, University of St Andrews – Lesbian desire in Le Fanu’s Carmilla read by way of Adrienne Rich. audio file
- Agnete Meldgaard Hansen, Roskilde University – Embodying health, activity and fitness in elderly care. audio file (incomplete)
Seminar 2: Gender in Organisations and Language - 4th February
- Jennifer Philippa Eggert, University of Warwick – Is it strategy, culture or the group? Organisational motivations for the involvement of female combatants. audio file
- Nicola Zoumidou, University of Strathclyde – Rising to the top: Women solicitors in the UK - what is being done? audio file
- Emily Rose, University of East Anglia – Revealing and concealing the masquerade of translation and gender: How to translate a seventeenth-century 'Transvestite Memoir'? audio file
Seminar 3: Spaces of Fear, Inequality, and Gender - 11th February
- Yi-chieh Lee, National Taipei University of Education – Revisiting fear in public space: Women’s experience of fear in MRT space in Taipei. audio file
- Katharina Hecht, London School of Economics – Gender in a study of high income earners’ perceptions towards economic inequality.
- Ceryl Telari Davies, University of Lincoln – ‘Healthy Relationships’: The voices of young women. audio file
Seminar 4: Hermeneutics of Bodies and Stigma - 18th February
- Charlie Crerar, University of Sheffield – The menstrual taboo as hermeneutical injustice.
- Shardia Briscoe-Palmer, University of Birmingham – What impact does hyper-masculinity have on HIV/AIDs related stigma and discrimination in the Black Caribbean community? audio file
- Elham Amini, Durham University – Insider or outsider? Issues of power and habitus during life history interviews with menopausal Iranian women. audio file
Seminar 5: Mediated Gender and Connectivity - 4th March
- Elena De Sacco, University of Liverpool – Whose Voices? –Media discourse and the speech of survivors of sexual violence.
- Fiona McKay, University of Strathclyde – Media(ted) representations of female politicians during the Scottish independence referendum.
- Isabell Loeschner, London School of Economics – Connectivity: Is it simplifying the burden of work-family integration?
Seminar 6: Bodies and Identities of Struggle - 29th April
- Cassandra McLuckie, University of Leeds – The experience of the body over time as a site of learning for ordinary straight men and women, and what it means for feminists theorising heterosex.
- Samantha Ayala, University of York – Solidarity despite difference: Race, identity, and the possibilities of postpositivist realism.
- Tamara Al-Om, University of St Andrews – Syrian women and the struggle to live in truth.
Seminar 7: Motherhood, Queer Femininity and Autobiography - 6th May
- Indrani Karmakar, University of York – Motherhood, class and caste in Mahasweta Devi’s short stories.
- Alexandra Athelsan-Price, University of Leeds – Queer feminine affect aliens: Disabled femmes rearticulating queer femininities through justified anger at ableism.
- Emma Deeks, Edge Hill – The Agency of Anonymity: Reading Women's Autobiographical Blogs.


Session 1: Constructing Sexual Subjects - 22nd January
- Julieta Vartabedian
, University of Newcastle - Do they transgress? On Brazilian travesti sex workers and their perceptions of themselves
- Stephen Symons
, University of Northampton - Any swing goes? Discursive constructions of swinger- identities in a mononormative and gendered culture
- Jacob Breslow
, London School of Economics - "Too bad you had to grow up": Refusing to be a (queer) child in "Palindromes"

Session 2: Women in Literature - 5th February
- Jessica Hindes
, Royal Holloway, University of London - Censorship, Pornography and the Objectified Woman in G.W.M. Reynold's "Mysteries of London" (audio link)
- Susan Garrard
, University of St Andrews - Strange Places, Strange Self: The Autobiography of Mary Smith as Reconfiguration of Victorian Women’s Travelogue (audio link)
- Ellie Dobson
, University of Birmingham - Magical Bodies: The Supernatural Appeal of the Ancient Egyptian Female Body at the Fin-de-Siècle (audio link)

Session 3: Childhood and Motherhood - 12th Feburary
- Aleksandra Mecinska
, University of Lancaster - Breastfeeding as technology: the stakes of a reconfiguration
- Jessica Gagnon
, University of Sussex - Mother as 'monster': the social vilification of single mothers as told by their daughters
- Giulia Zanfabro
, University of Warwick - Feminine Normativity in Contemporary Italian Children and Young Adults' Literature: Norms, Identities, Disidentifications?

Session 4: Gender, Policy and Methodology - March 5th
- Mary-Ann Stephenson
, University of Warwick - Transformation or ticking boxes? The Impact of the Public Sector Equality Duty on the Work of Local Government Equalities Teams
- Emily Henderson
, Institute of Education, University of London - Moving Feminist-ly from theory to data:' Plugging, squelching, reflecting, abjecting'
- David Davis
, University of Sussex - A Comparative Analysis of Combating Gender Stereotypes in Advertising and the Media in the EU

Session 5: Masculinities and gender in organisations - 30th April
- Helen Longlands
, Institute of Education, University of London - Men, Masculinities and Fatherhood in Global Finance (audio link)
- Lauren Ward
, University of Northampton - 'Just Play the Game':Exploring how Masculinities shape Emotionality in male dominated organisations (audio link)
- Lara Pecis
, University of Warwick - Excluding the Other: Reproducing gender dynamics throughout innovation process (audio link)

Session 6: History / the research subject - 14th May
- Beatrice Balfour
, University of Cambridge - Feminist Tales of the Italian Resistance (audio link)
- Emma Jones
, Institute of Education, University of London - (Dis) Orienting Subjects (audio link)

Session 7: Gender and the Media - 28th May
- Laura Clancy, University of Lancaster - (Un)deserved Celebrity? Fame, Femininity and Class Respectability (audio link)
- Sophia Brown, University of Kent - Blogging the revolution: autobiography and transnational feminism in Egypt (audio link)


Session 1: Queer Time, Queer Representations - 14th November
- Sam Mcbean, Birkbeck, University of London - Feminism’s Queer Timing: Unburying Valerie Solanas and SCUM Manifesto
- H. L. Gurney, University of Sussex - Menarche Now! Menstruation, Shame, and Queer Interventions

Session 2: Gendered Violence and Resistance - 28th November
- Roxanne Ellen Bibizadeh, University of Warwick - Women in Exile: Islam and disempowerment in Fadia Faqir's My Name is Salma
- Mirna Guha, University of Warwick - Kaarya (“Work that Heals”): Rehabilitating survivors of trafficking through an innovative livelihood generation programme

Session 3: Women, Work, and Family - 23rd January
- Natalie Wreyford, Kings College London - Gender and Networking for Work Inside and Outside the UK Film Industry
- Lenka Pelechova, University of Nottingham - Negotiating the ‘appropriate closeness and distance’ – host parents’ and au pairs relationships

Session 4: Constructing Gendered Identities - 13th February
- Anne Burns, Loughborough University - What Do I Look Like Online? - Women, photography and social media
- Kirsty Lohman and Ruth Pearce, University of Warwick - Trans Music Isn't
- Andolie Marguerite, Goldsmith’s College - Trans/gender/queer: identities and discourses

Session 5: Women in Political Activism - 13th March
- Lipika Kamara, University of Oxford - The Woman Question in the Indian Maoist Movement
- Katharina Karcher, University of Warwick - Guns n’ Roses: Female participation in leftist political violence in Germany since 1970
- Rose Erin Holyoak, University of Leicester - Eco-Warriors and Earth-Mothers: Young Women Negotiating Femininity in Social Movement Activism in the UK
- Louise Woollett, University of Warwick - The Role of Resistance in Conflict Resolution: A Study of Present-Day Palestinian Young Women's Nonviolent Resistance

Session 6: Health and the Female Body - 1st May
- Umme Busra Fateha Sultana, University of Sussex - Exploring the Construction of Gender & Sexualities in Contraceptive Advertisements in Bangladesh
- Diane Trusson, University of Nottingham - Exploring Gendered Aspects of Biographical Disruption through the Narratives of Women treated for Early-Stage Breast Cancer (ESBC) or DCIS
- Kylie Baldwin, De Montfort University - Social Egg Freezing: Negotiating Choice, Responsibility and the Right Time to Be a Mother

Session 7: Images of Women and Sexism in the Media - 22nd May
- Nazia Hussein, University of Warwick - Complexities of the Representation of Urban Women in Bangladeshi Media
- Izzy Gutteridge, University of Warwick - The Ugly Side of Stardoll
- Joelin Quigley-Berg, University of Warwick - What Counts as Sexism? Regulating Sexist Offence in UK Television Advertising

Session 8: Negotiating Modern Masculinities - 5th June
- Joseph Oldham, University of Warwick - The ‘Blair Masculinity’ in British Spy Fiction
- Emma Hutchinson, University of Warwick - Heteronormativity 2.0: Gender and Identity Performance in an Online Game



Session 1: Processes of interpretation: gender and sexuality in celebrity culture – 2nd of November 2011
- Melanie Kennedy, University of East Anglia: The Jonas Brothers as Tween Pin-ups: The Negotiation of Desire in Young Feminine ‘Becoming’ audio file
- Izzy Gutteridge, University of Warwick: Picturing Fame audio file

Session 2: Gender, migration and citizenship – 23rd of November 2011
- Bimbika Sijapati Basnett, London School of Economics and Political Science: Nexus between Gender, Migration and Forest Governance: Re-thinking Community Forestry Policies in Nepal
- Evelyn Sulem, University of Warwick: Transnational Migration in Mexican Indigenous Communities: The Reconstruction of Gender and the Empowerment of Indigenous Women
- Menah Raven-Ellison, Queen Mary, University of London: Unlocking the Gates to Detention: Reflections on Gatekeeper-Researcher Relationships

Session 3: media, representations and sexualities - 18th of January 2012
- Mark Carrigan, University of Warwick: There's More to Life Than Sex?: Rethinking the Sexual Revolution from an Asexual Perspective
- Ruth Pearce, University of Warwick: Genderforking: Deconstructing Gender Norms in a Community Blog

Session 4: Gender issues in the global context: challenging feminist politics - 8th of February 2012
- Angie Pepper, University of Sheffield: Cosmopolitanism, Feminism and the Problem of Cultural Imperialism
- Somayyeh Mottaghi, York University: Doing Feminist Research In Iran
- Amanda Conroy, London School of Economics and Political Science: Masculinity, Citizenship and Sovereignty in the Minuteman Movement

Session 5: Researching Gender: Different Perspectives - 2nd of May 2012
- Annelies Kleinherenbrink, Universiteit Utrecht: Revolutionizing Evolution: Evolutionary Psychology, Feminist Epistemologies, and Bergson’s Reality of Time

Sam Lyle, University of Warwick: What (not) to Wear When You’re a Trainee Accountant

- Danielle Hanisch, University of South Australia: “Girls are just like that”: The feminization of effects of child sexual abuse (CSA) and borderline personality disorder (BPD)

Session 6: Representations of Women in Media - 23rd of May 2012
- Joelin Quigley-Berg, University of Warwick: Comedy and the Fat Female Body

- Nancy Bruseker, University of Liverpool: 'I am in Love (With You)': Vesta Tilley’s Fan Mail and Popular Music Audiences

Session 7: Gender, Class and Bodies at Work - 13th of June 2012
- Natasha McKeever, University of Sheffield: Why Might It Be Wrong to Buy Sex?

- Sini Timonen, City University London: Narratives Of Segregation And Independence: Female Singers And Regional Beat Group Scenes In England In The 1960s

Mona Shrestha Adhikari, University of Warwick: Resistance to Sexualisation of Women’s Work in Kathma ndu Casinos



Session 1: Open Stream – 20th October 2010
- Nazia Hussein, Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, University of Warwick: Colour of Life Achievements: Historical and Media Influence of Identity Formation Based on Skin Colour in South Asia
- Sariya Contractor, University of Gloucester: De-mystifying the Muslimah: Using Muslim women’s digital stories to develop notions of women’s solidarity and shared femininity
- Tom Horn, Goldsmiths College: Who's taking the biscuit? The influence of online discussion forum use and media framing on experiences of efficacy in the 2010 'Mumsnet election'

Session 2: Sport, Leisure and Gender – 10th November 2010
- Jonah Bury, School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, University of Bristol: Homosexuality, homophobia and masculinities in professional and grassroots football
- Georgina Roy, Chelsea School, University of Brighton: Feminism and the Female Surfer: Theorising Surfing Spaces
- Deb Butler, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick: Becoming a stranger to the data – the trials and tribulations of trying to leave the field – N.B. Horseracing study

Session 3: Women and Work – 26th January 2011
- Rosario Undurraga, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick: How would you define work? Recognition and identity in relation to the conceptualisation of work
- Jenny Nex, Sociology department, Goldsmiths College: Women in the musical instrument trade in London, 1760–1820.

Session 4: Women Writers – 16th February 2011
- Leanne Bibby, School of Cultural Studies, Leeds Metropolitan University: Complicitous Critiques: A. S. Byatt, the Woman Writer-Intellectual and Feminist Classics Revisited
- Sally Waterman, University of Plymouth: Literary Transformations: A Self-Representational Arts Practice

Session 5: Erotic Dance – 9th March 2011
- Joanne Mitchinson, Loughborough University: Community-based perceptions of lap dance clubs and licensing laws
- Katy Pilcher, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick: Women Customers’ Experiences in Erotic Dance Venues

Session 6: Invisible Bodies/Sexualities – 11th May 2011
- Kirsty Liddiard, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick: Disabled men and women's experiences of intimate relationships: The relationship as a site of emotional work
- Mark Carrigan, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick: “Maybe you’re just a late bloomer?” Understanding the marginalization of asexuals through the investigation of sexual culture
- Jane Traies, University of Sussex: The Lives of British Lesbians Over Sixty: An Empirical Investigation

Session 7: Gender, sexuality, and the criminal justice system – 1st June 2011
- Anastasia Chamberlen, School of Law, King’s College London: “My Body is a Cage”: An Investigation into the Bodily Identities of Incarcerated Women
- Matthew Jones, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University: Sexuality and Policing: Exploring the occupational experiences of LGB police officers throughout England and Wales

Session 8: Embodying Gender – 15th June 2011
- Dara Blumenthal, University of Kent: “You Lookin' At Me?” Investigating Masculine Embodiment and the Interaction Order of Public Toilet Spaces
- Michael Ward, Cardiff University: Young Masculinities and the ‘alternative scene’: negotiating de-industrialization among white, working class young men in the South Wales valleys.
- Ana Porroche Escudero, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Sussex: Breast Cancer Quiz: How Much Do You Know about Breast Cancer? Implications for methodology



Session 1: Women and Workplace Negotiations – Wed. 21st October 2009, 5pm
- Maria Karepova, Centre for Women's Studies, University of York. 'A mental start: the "alternative" ways of entering the labour market of psychological counselling in Russia'.
- Sophia Michael, LSE. 'Male or Female? Neither. Personality Dictates: A study investigating the way in which gender affects the negotiation process'.
- Juliet Rayment, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. 'The midwife-mother relationship: Intimacy within an institution'.

 Session 2: Women and Public Space in India and Taiwan - Wednesday 11th November 2009, 5pm
- Hiranmayee Mishra, Centre for Women's Studies, University of York. 'Negotiating privately for a public space: Indian women in Panchayats'.
- Kai-Jung Yuan, Department of Politics, University of York. 'The Negotiation of Feminine Spaces in Electoral Campaigns: Competition and Cooperation'.

 Session 3: Domestic and Sexual Violence – Wed. 2nd December 2009, 5pm
- Abigail Hunt, Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, University of Warwick. 'Gender, framing and political opportunities: Exploring the strategies used by the English sexual violence and abuse movement'.
- David Beecham, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. 'Being the Breadwinner: Economic Independence or Economic Entrapment? Women's Experiences of Intimate Partner Abuse'.

Session 4: Women and Sport – Wed. 27th January 2010, 5pm
- Sam Farooq, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. 'Shooting Hoops for Britain: The British Muslim Women's Basketball Team and the Women's Islamic Games'.
- Deborah Butler, Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, University of Warwick. 'Work identities, horseracing and gender'.

Session 5: Women's Sociability: Past and Present – Wed. 10th February 2010, 5pm
- Mark Hailwood, Department of History, University of Warwick. 'Women and the Alehouse in Seventeenth-Century England'.
- Emily Falconer,
Department of Sociology, Manchester Metropolitan University. 'Politicising female backpacking: A new "women's movement" or simply women on the move?'.

Session 6: Disability and Sexuality – Wed. 3rd March 2010, 5pm
- Kirsty Liddiard, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. "I feell bottom of the heap": Disabled Sexual Stories and Gendered Telling.
- Sue Smith,
School of English, University of Leicester. "Neither Normal nor Human": The Cyborg in C.L. Moore's "No Woman Born"' (1944).

Session 7: New men? – Wed. 12th May 2010, 5pm
- Jessica Baily,
Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield. 'Exploring the social construction of gender in a feminist context'.
- James Milton, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Liverpool. Don't Men Care? 'Hegemonic Masculinity', Care-giving Practices, and the Emotional (Psycho-social) Subject.
- Mark McCormack, Department of Education, University of Bath. 'The Declining Significance of Homohysteria for Male Sixth Form Students in the South of England'.

Session 8: Expressing sexuality - Wed. 2nd June 2010, 5pm
- Adrienne Evans,
Department of Psychology, University of Bath. 'Sexualized Clothing and the Porn Star T-shirt: Risk, "Choice" and Parodic Intent'.
- Rebecca Pohl, English & American Studies; School of Arts, Histories and Cultures, University of Manchester. 'Space and Sexuality in Recent British Fiction: Sexing the Labyrinth'.
- Mary Ryan, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland. 'Tackling Taboos: Irish Chick Lit Voicing the Silenced'.



Wednesday 12th Nov 2008 5-7pm
- Erin Sanders, University of Nottingham. 'Western women’s interactions with the sex industry'.
- Tom Thurnell-Read, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. 'Off the leash and out of control: Embodied masculinity in Eastern European Stag Tourism'.
Wednesday 14th January 2009 5-7pm
- Sara de Jong, University of Nottingham. 'Self andother in feminism: Reflexivity and complicity'.
- Agnes Khoo, University of Manchester. 'The role and participation of women in the democratisation movements in South Korea and Taiwan from 1987 to the present'.
Wednesday 4th February 2009 5-7 pm
- Rachel Foulds, Goldsmith College, University of London. 'An isolated Soviet voice: The masculine versus the feminine in teh music of Galina Ustvolskaya'.


Wednesday 31st October 2008 5 pm
- Maria do Mar Pereira, LSE, 'Neg(oti)ating the Status of Gender Studies'
Wednesday 9th January 2008 5 pm
- Madaleine Woods, University of Warwick, 'Female Narrative Energy in the Writings of Dead White Males: Dickens, Collins, Freud'.
Wednesday 30th January 2008 5 pm
- Amila Jayamaha, University of Warwick, 'Representation of the Female Militant: Power, Sexuality and Memory'.
Wednesday 20th February 2008 5 pm 
- Arina Lungu, University of Warwick, 'Representations of Gendered Space in Doris Lessing’s Fantasy Fiction'.
Wednesday 12th March 2008 5 pm
- Colleen McNeil-Walsh, University of Birmingham, 'Collective Narratives, Gendered Stories: Exploring the Centrality of Gender in Nurse Migration'.


Wednesday 11th October 2006, 5pm  
- Maud Perrier (University of Warwick) Girls’ Gendered Identities and the Media: Feminist Dis/Identifications. (WRITTEN PAPER AVAILABLE)
Wednesday 25th October 2006, 1pm  
- Nicola Wilson (University of Warwick) Politicising the Home in Working-Class Womens’ Fiction of the 1920s.
Wednesday 8th November 2006, 1pm
- Nicola Gale (University of Warwick) 'Feminine' and 'masculine' ways of knowing the body: training in alternative and complementary medicine.
Wednesday 22nd November 2006, 5pm
- Julieta Barrenechea and Javier Castro (University of Basque Country) Exploring gender dimensions in one research assessment survey. The case of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of the Basque Country.
Wednesday 17th January 2007, 5pm
- Maria Zubair (The University of Reading) University education, family influence and identity: Gender Differences in identity negotiation among British Pakistani Muslim university students.
Wednesday 24th January 2007, 5 pm
- Stella Baraklianou (Goldsmiths College) Mothers/Daughters/mothers.


Wednesday 1 March 2006, 5-6pm
- Annie Bramley
(University of Bristol), Ordered and disordered colonial history: Using the oral histories of white British women of colonial east Africa (WRITTEN PAPER AVAILABLE)

Wednesday 30 November 2005, 1pm
- Nicola Morrell
(London University), Mature females in Information and Communication Technology: Are they conscientious or conscious objectors? Analysing the rationale and motivation of mature females to train for and enter ICT teaching

Wednesday 16 November 2005, 1pm
- Georgina Holmes (School of African and Oriental Studies), Gendering War: Media representations of war in Rwanda and Sudan (WRITTEN PAPER AVAILABLE)

Wednesday 9 November 2005, 1pm
- Liz Mitchell (Canterbury Christ Church), Different Ways of Seeing: The Language Games of Mothering (WRITTEN PAPER AVAILABLE)



Wednesday 8 June 2005, 1pm
- Mallarika Sinha Roy (University of Oxford), Unsung Heroines: Making and Unmaking of Women's History in the Naxalbari Movement

Wednesday 1 June 2005, 1pm
- Thea Cacchioni (University of Warwick): Successful Heterosexuality: A Labour of Love

Wednesday 25 May 2005, 1pm
- Patreeya Kitcharoen (University of Warwick): Journeys through Ethnography: Women in Thai Restaurants in England

Wednesday 11 May 2005, 1pm
- Frahm-Arp (University of Warwick), Bourdieu and Professional Pentecostal Women in South Africa

Wednesday 4 May 2005, 1pm
- Michelle Obeid (LSE): 'Soft hands' and unblemished faces: 'Women's modernities' in a Lebanese village

Wednesday 2 March 2005
- Shailaja Paik (University of Warwick): Voices of Dalit Women from Pune

Friday 12th Nov, 5pm
- Beckie Coleman (Goldsmith College, University of London): Mobile Heterosexuality? Girls' Experiences of Their Bodies Through Boys and Friends

Wednesday 17th Nov, 1pm
- Giulia Garofalo (University of East London): Prostitution as an sexuo-economic transaction

Wednesday 1st Dec, 1pm
- Barbra Wallace (University of East London): Gender Revisited: meanings of sustainability from the perspective of community-based social entrepreneurs

Wednesday 15th Dec, 1pm
- Nibedita Shankar (University of Warwick): Women headed-households and their vulnerabilities to multiple natural hazards in Orissa: a missing element in disaster response