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Imagine: Connecting Communities Through Research

The Imagine research project

started in January 2013 and lasts for five years.

Its full title is: The social, historical, cultural and democratic context of civic engagement: Imagining different communities and making them happen. It comprises four work packages, each led by a different University, and involving several other universities and community partners. Work package 1 is led by Brighton (social); Work package 2 by Durham (historical); Work package 3 by Sheffield (cultural) and work package 4 by Edinburgh (democratic). Work package 2 (from January 2014 for two years) will involve community-based participatory research, demographic and policy analysis - revisiting the sites of two Community Development Projects (1960s/70s) on Tyneside (coordinated by Durham University) and one in Coventry (coordinated by Warwick University).

The social, historical, cultural and democratic context of civic engagement: imagining different communities and making them happen