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Graduate Seminar Series


AUTUMN TERM 2004-2005

All Talks in Gillian Rose Seminar Room, Ramphal Building (R3.25)

Friday 12th Nov, 5pm Mobile Heterosexuality? Girls' Experiences of Their Bodies Through Boys and Friends, Beckie Coleman (Goldsmith College, University of London)

Wednesday 17th Nov, 1pm Prostitution as an sexuo-economic transaction, Giulia Garofalo (University of East London)

Wednesday 1st Dec, 1pm Gender Revisited: meanings of sustainability from the perspective of community-based social entrepreneurs, Barbra Wallace (University of East London)

Wednesday 15th Dec, 1pm Women headed-households and their vulnerabilities to multiple natural hazards in Orissa: a missing element in disaster response, Nibedita Shankar (University of Warwick)

For further details please contact Srila Roy:

All Welcome