Past seminars

- Fiona McKay, University of Strathclyde – Media(ted) representations of female politicians during the Scottish independence referendum.
- Isabell Loeschner, London School of Economics – Connectivity: Is it simplifying the burden of work-family integration?
- Samantha Ayala, University of York – Solidarity despite difference: Race, identity, and the possibilities of postpositivist realism.
- Tamara Al-Om, University of St Andrews – Syrian women and the struggle to live in truth.
- Alexandra Athelsan-Price, University of Leeds – Queer feminine affect aliens: Disabled femmes rearticulating queer femininities through justified anger at ableism.
- Emma Deeks, Edge Hill – The Agency of Anonymity: Reading Women's Autobiographical Blogs.
Session 1: Constructing Sexual Subjects - 22nd January
- Julieta Vartabedian, University of Newcastle - Do they transgress? On Brazilian travesti sex workers and their perceptions of themselves
- Stephen Symons, University of Northampton - Any swing goes? Discursive constructions of swinger- identities in a mononormative and gendered culture
- Jacob Breslow, London School of Economics - "Too bad you had to grow up": Refusing to be a (queer) child in "Palindromes"
Session 2: Women in Literature - 5th February
- Jessica Hindes, Royal Holloway, University of London - Censorship, Pornography and the Objectified Woman in G.W.M. Reynold's "Mysteries of London"
- Susan Garrard, University of St Andrews - Strange Places, Strange Self: The Autobiography of Mary Smith as Reconfiguration of Victorian Women’s Travelogue
- Ellie Dobson, University of Birmingham - Magical Bodies: The Supernatural Appeal of the Ancient Egyptian Female Body at the Fin-de-Siècle
Session 3: Childhood and Motherhood - 12th Feburary
- Aleksandra Mecinska, University of Lancaster - Breastfeeding as technology: the stakes of a reconfiguration
- Jessica Gagnon, University of Sussex - Mother as 'monster': the social vilification of single mothers as told by their daughters
- Giulia Zanfabro, University of Warwick - Feminine Normativity in Contemporary Italian Children and Young Adults' Literature: Norms, Identities, Disidentifications?
Session 4: Gender, Policy and Methodology - March 5th
- Mary-Ann Stephenson, University of Warwick - Transformation or ticking boxes? The Impact of the Public Sector Equality Duty on the Work of Local Government Equalities Teams
- Emily Henderson, Institute of Education, University of London - Moving Feminist-ly from theory to data:' Plugging, squelching, reflecting, abjecting'
- David Davis, University of Sussex - A Comparative Analysis of Combating Gender Stereotypes in Advertising and the Media in the EU
Session 5: Masculinities and gender in organisations - 30th April
- Helen Longlands, Institute of Education, University of London - Men, Masculinities and Fatherhood in Global Finance
- Lauren Ward, University of Northampton - 'Just Play the Game':Exploring how Masculinities shape Emotionality in male dominated organisations
- Lara Pecis, University of Warwick - Excluding the Other: Reproducing gender dynamics throughout innovation process
Session 6: History / the research subject - 14th May
- Beatrice Balfour, University of Cambridge - Feminist Tales of the Italian Resistance
- Emma Jones, Institute of Education, University of London - (Dis) Orienting Subjects

Session 1: Queer Time, Queer Representations - 14th November
- Sam Mcbean, Birkbeck, University of London - Feminism’s Queer Timing: Unburying Valerie Solanas and SCUM Manifesto
- H. L. Gurney, University of Sussex - Menarche Now! Menstruation, Shame, and Queer Interventions
Session 2: Gendered Violence and Resistance - 28th November
- Roxanne Ellen Bibizadeh, University of Warwick - Women in Exile: Islam and disempowerment in Fadia Faqir's My Name is Salma
- Mirna Guha, University of Warwick - Kaarya (“Work that Heals”): Rehabilitating survivors of trafficking through an innovative livelihood generation programme
Session 3: Women, Work, and Family - 23rd January
- Natalie Wreyford, Kings College London - Gender and Networking for Work Inside and Outside the UK Film Industry
- Lenka Pelechova, University of Nottingham - Negotiating the ‘appropriate closeness and distance’ – host parents’ and au pairs relationships
Session 4: Constructing Gendered Identities - 13th February
- Anne Burns, Loughborough University - What Do I Look Like Online? - Women, photography and social media
- Kirsty Lohman and Ruth Pearce, University of Warwick - Trans Music Isn't
- Andolie Marguerite, Goldsmith’s College - Trans/gender/queer: identities and discourses
Session 5: Women in Political Activism - 13th March
- Lipika Kamara, University of Oxford - The Woman Question in the Indian Maoist Movement
- Katharina Karcher, University of Warwick - Guns n’ Roses: Female participation in leftist political violence in Germany since 1970
- Rose Erin Holyoak, University of Leicester - Eco-Warriors and Earth-Mothers: Young Women Negotiating Femininity in Social Movement Activism in the UK
- Louise Woollett, University of Warwick - The Role of Resistance in Conflict Resolution: A Study of Present-Day Palestinian Young Women's Nonviolent Resistance
Session 6: Health and the Female Body - 1st May
- Umme Busra Fateha Sultana, University of Sussex - Exploring the Construction of Gender & Sexualities in Contraceptive Advertisements in Bangladesh
- Diane Trusson, University of Nottingham - Exploring Gendered Aspects of Biographical Disruption through the Narratives of Women treated for Early-Stage Breast Cancer (ESBC) or DCIS
- Kylie Baldwin, De Montfort University - Social Egg Freezing: Negotiating Choice, Responsibility and the Right Time to Be a Mother
Session 7: Images of Women and Sexism in the Media - 22nd May
- Nazia Hussein, University of Warwick - Complexities of the Representation of Urban Women in Bangladeshi Media
- Izzy Gutteridge, University of Warwick - The Ugly Side of Stardoll
- Joelin Quigley-Berg, University of Warwick - What Counts as Sexism? Regulating Sexist Offence in UK Television Advertising
Session 8: Negotiating Modern Masculinities - 5th June
- Joseph Oldham, University of Warwick - The ‘Blair Masculinity’ in British Spy Fiction
- Emma Hutchinson, University of Warwick - Heteronormativity 2.0: Gender and Identity Performance in an Online Game
Session 1: Processes of interpretation: gender and sexuality in celebrity culture – 2nd of November 2011
- Melanie Kennedy, University of East Anglia: The Jonas Brothers as Tween Pin-ups: The Negotiation of Desire in Young Feminine ‘Becoming’
- Izzy Gutteridge, University of Warwick: Picturing Fame
Session 2: Gender, migration and citizenship – 23rd of November 2011
- Bimbika Sijapati Basnett, London School of Economics and Political Science: Nexus between Gender, Migration and Forest Governance: Re-thinking Community Forestry Policies in Nepal
- Evelyn Sulem, University of Warwick: Transnational Migration in Mexican Indigenous Communities: The Reconstruction of Gender and the Empowerment of Indigenous Women
- Menah Raven-Ellison, Queen Mary, University of London: Unlocking the Gates to Detention: Reflections on Gatekeeper-Researcher Relationships
Session 3: media, representations and sexualities - 18th of January 2012
- Mark Carrigan, University of Warwick: There's More to Life Than Sex?: Rethinking the Sexual Revolution from an Asexual Perspective
- Ruth Pearce, University of Warwick: Genderforking: Deconstructing Gender Norms in a Community Blog
Session 4: Gender issues in the global context: challenging feminist politics - 8th of February 2012
- Angie Pepper, University of Sheffield: Cosmopolitanism, Feminism and the Problem of Cultural Imperialism
- Somayyeh Mottaghi, York University: Doing Feminist Research In Iran
- Amanda Conroy, London School of Economics and Political Science: Masculinity, Citizenship and Sovereignty in the Minuteman Movement
Session 5: Researching Gender: Different Perspectives - 2nd of May 2012
- Annelies Kleinherenbrink, Universiteit Utrecht: Revolutionizing Evolution: Evolutionary Psychology, Feminist Epistemologies, and Bergson’s Reality of Time
Sam Lyle, University of Warwick: What (not) to Wear When You’re a Trainee Accountant
- Danielle Hanisch, University of South Australia: “Girls are just like that”: The feminization of effects of child sexual abuse (CSA) and borderline personality disorder (BPD)
Session 6: Representations of Women in Media - 23rd of May 2012
- Joelin Quigley-Berg, University of Warwick: Comedy and the Fat Female Body
- Nancy Bruseker, University of Liverpool: 'I am in Love (With You)': Vesta Tilley’s Fan Mail and Popular Music Audiences
Session 7: Gender, Class and Bodies at Work - 13th of June 2012
- Natasha McKeever, University of Sheffield: Why Might It Be Wrong to Buy Sex?
- Sini Timonen, City University London: Narratives Of Segregation And Independence: Female Singers And Regional Beat Group Scenes In England In The 1960s
Mona Shrestha Adhikari, University of Warwick: Resistance to Sexualisation of Women’s Work in Kathma ndu Casinos
Session 1: Open Stream – 20th October 2010
- Nazia Hussein, Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, University of Warwick: Colour of Life Achievements: Historical and Media Influence of Identity Formation Based on Skin Colour in South Asia
- Sariya Contractor, University of Gloucester: De-mystifying the Muslimah: Using Muslim women’s digital stories to develop notions of women’s solidarity and shared femininity
- Tom Horn, Goldsmiths College: Who's taking the biscuit? The influence of online discussion forum use and media framing on experiences of efficacy in the 2010 'Mumsnet election'
Session 2: Sport, Leisure and Gender – 10th November 2010
- Jonah Bury, School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, University of Bristol: Homosexuality, homophobia and masculinities in professional and grassroots football
- Georgina Roy, Chelsea School, University of Brighton: Feminism and the Female Surfer: Theorising Surfing Spaces
- Deb Butler, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick: Becoming a stranger to the data – the trials and tribulations of trying to leave the field – N.B. Horseracing study
Session 3: Women and Work – 26th January 2011
- Rosario Undurraga, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick: How would you define work? Recognition and identity in relation to the conceptualisation of work
- Jenny Nex, Sociology department, Goldsmiths College: Women in the musical instrument trade in London, 1760–1820.
Session 4: Women Writers – 16th February 2011
- Leanne Bibby, School of Cultural Studies, Leeds Metropolitan University: Complicitous Critiques: A. S. Byatt, the Woman Writer-Intellectual and Feminist Classics Revisited
- Sally Waterman, University of Plymouth: Literary Transformations: A Self-Representational Arts Practice
Session 5: Erotic Dance – 9th March 2011
- Joanne Mitchinson, Loughborough University: Community-based perceptions of lap dance clubs and licensing laws
- Katy Pilcher, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick: Women Customers’ Experiences in Erotic Dance Venues
Session 6: Invisible Bodies/Sexualities – 11th May 2011
- Kirsty Liddiard, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick: Disabled men and women's experiences of intimate relationships: The relationship as a site of emotional work
- Mark Carrigan, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick: “Maybe you’re just a late bloomer?” Understanding the marginalization of asexuals through the investigation of sexual culture
- Jane Traies, University of Sussex: The Lives of British Lesbians Over Sixty: An Empirical Investigation
Session 7: Gender, sexuality, and the criminal justice system – 1st June 2011
- Anastasia Chamberlen, School of Law, King’s College London: “My Body is a Cage”: An Investigation into the Bodily Identities of Incarcerated Women
- Matthew Jones, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University: Sexuality and Policing: Exploring the occupational experiences of LGB police officers throughout England and Wales
Session 8: Embodying Gender – 15th June 2011
- Dara Blumenthal, University of Kent: “You Lookin' At Me?” Investigating Masculine Embodiment and the Interaction Order of Public Toilet Spaces
- Michael Ward, Cardiff University: Young Masculinities and the ‘alternative scene’: negotiating de-industrialization among white, working class young men in the South Wales valleys.
- Ana Porroche Escudero, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Sussex: Breast Cancer Quiz: How Much Do You Know about Breast Cancer? Implications for methodology
Session 1: Women and Workplace Negotiations – Wed. 21st October 2009, 5pm
- Maria Karepova, Centre for Women's Studies, University of York. 'A mental start: the "alternative" ways of entering the labour market of psychological counselling in Russia'.
- Sophia Michael, LSE. 'Male or Female? Neither. Personality Dictates: A study investigating the way in which gender affects the negotiation process'.
- Juliet Rayment, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. 'The midwife-mother relationship: Intimacy within an institution'.
Session 2: Women and Public Space in India and Taiwan - Wednesday 11th November 2009, 5pm
- Hiranmayee Mishra, Centre for Women's Studies, University of York. 'Negotiating privately for a public space: Indian women in Panchayats'.
- Kai-Jung Yuan, Department of Politics, University of York. 'The Negotiation of Feminine Spaces in Electoral Campaigns: Competition and Cooperation'.
Session 3: Domestic and Sexual Violence – Wed. 2nd December 2009, 5pm
- Abigail Hunt, Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, University of Warwick. 'Gender, framing and political opportunities: Exploring the strategies used by the English sexual violence and abuse movement'.
- David Beecham, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. 'Being the Breadwinner: Economic Independence or Economic Entrapment? Women's Experiences of Intimate Partner Abuse'.
Session 4: Women and Sport – Wed. 27th January 2010, 5pm
- Sam Farooq, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. 'Shooting Hoops for Britain: The British Muslim Women's Basketball Team and the Women's Islamic Games'.
- Deborah Butler, Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, University of Warwick. 'Work identities, horseracing and gender'.
Session 5: Women's Sociability: Past and Present – Wed. 10th February 2010, 5pm
- Mark Hailwood, Department of History, University of Warwick. 'Women and the Alehouse in Seventeenth-Century England'.
- Emily Falconer, Department of Sociology, Manchester Metropolitan University. 'Politicising female backpacking: A new "women's movement" or simply women on the move?'.
Session 6: Disability and Sexuality – Wed. 3rd March 2010, 5pm
- Kirsty Liddiard, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. "I feell bottom of the heap": Disabled Sexual Stories and Gendered Telling.
- Sue Smith, School of English, University of Leicester. "Neither Normal nor Human": The Cyborg in C.L. Moore's "No Woman Born"' (1944).
Session 7: New men? – Wed. 12th May 2010, 5pm
- Jessica Baily, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield. 'Exploring the social construction of gender in a feminist context'.
- James Milton, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Liverpool. Don't Men Care? 'Hegemonic Masculinity', Care-giving Practices, and the Emotional (Psycho-social) Subject.
- Mark McCormack, Department of Education, University of Bath. 'The Declining Significance of Homohysteria for Male Sixth Form Students in the South of England'.
Session 8: Expressing sexuality - Wed. 2nd June 2010, 5pm
- Adrienne Evans, Department of Psychology, University of Bath. 'Sexualized Clothing and the Porn Star T-shirt: Risk, "Choice" and Parodic Intent'.
- Rebecca Pohl, English & American Studies; School of Arts, Histories and Cultures, University of Manchester. 'Space and Sexuality in Recent British Fiction: Sexing the Labyrinth'.
- Mary Ryan, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland. 'Tackling Taboos: Irish Chick Lit Voicing the Silenced'.