Feminism Counts
Exploring the relationship between Feminist Research and Quantitative Methods
A one-day Conference, University of Warwick
Friday 7th November 2008
(Followed by Professional Development Workshop, 14th Nov)
Feminism Counts will examine the, historically complex, relationship between feminist research and quantitative methods. It will also explore a range of dilemmas that contemporary feminists face when using quantitative tools and techniques. Importantly, it is designed to cross the quantitative-qualitative divide. Accordingly, the conference is aimed at feminist researchers who use quantitative methods in their research and those who do not. It will provide the former with an opportunity to reflect on their practice and the latter a space to explore the potential of this methodology.
The conference is suitable for feminist researchers at all career stages - from students to senior academics.
We welcome the attendance of feminist researchers in the public and voluntary sectors as well as from within academia.
- Dr Jane Elliott, Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London
- Dr Liz Hodgkinson, School of Engineering, University of Plymouth
- Professor Kate Purcell, Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick
- Professor Jackie Scott, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge
- Professor Sylvia Walby, Department of Sociology, University of Lancaster (withdrawn)
Programme (including abstracts)
Time: 10am - 4.30pm
Venue: University of Warwick Teaching Grid
Conference fees: £40 waged, £20 unwaged. To book a place, contact: Ann Ryan
Two subsidised places are available to student members of the GEA.
Download a flyer for Feminism Counts
Download a booking form for Feminism Counts
Feminism Counts has been supported by the Gender and Education Association
Organisers: Christina Hughes, Rachel Cohen and Richard Lampard
New report available to download: By Sylvia Walby, Jo Armstrong and Les Humphreys, Lancaster University |