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Engendering policy day conference

FRIDAY 21st NOVEMBER 2008, Millburn House, University of Warwick Science Park

This conference brings together leading academics and practitioners to discuss the gendering of policy development in the UK and Canada. Particular attention will be paid to the development of equalities and domestic abuse policies. Speakers will present gender-based analyses of the formulation and implementation of social policy in the context of devolution and assess the opportunities created for a feminist-inspired politics.


9.30 - 10:00 Registration and refreshments

10.00 Introduction

Session 1: 10:15 – 13:00

Engendering Policy: an Overview

10:15 Alexandra Dobrowolsky (St Mary’s University, Nova Scotia) ‘Federalism, Devolution & Women: Democratic Debates and Dilemmas’

10.50 Paul Chaney (Cardiff University, Wales) ‘The Welsh Assembly Government and Legislative Duty in the Promotion of Equal Opportunities’

11:25 Margaret Ward (Director of the Women’s Resource and Development Agency, Belfast) ‘Gender neutrality or gender equality? Working for a gender equality strategy in Northern Ireland’

12.00 Discussant: Shirin Rai (University of Warwick)

12.30 Questions and discussion

13.00 - 13:55 LUNCH

Session 2: 14:00 – 16:30

Policy Case Study: Domestic Violence

14:00 Nickie Charles (University of Warwick) and Fiona Mackay (University of Edinburgh) ‘Developing domestic abuse strategies in devolved legislatures: Scotland and Wales compared’

14:15 Marsha Scott (European Women’s Lobby Observatory on Violence Against Women)

14:45 Davina James-Hanman (Greater London Domestic Violence Project)

15:15 Discussant: Chris Harrison (University of Warwick)

15:45 TEA

16:00 Questions and discussion


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