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Endurance Sport seminar


runner inThis seminar was the end-of-project event for the research project - a one-day seminar on Tuesday 11 October, 2012. The aim of the seminar was to explore people's experiences of endurance sport, think about what kind of identities are produced and to consider some of the challenges of researching endurance sport.

We were joined by Drawnalist, Matt Buck, who documented each of the talks in a series of amazing drawings. You can see the drawings in detail by clicking on the images at the bottom of this page. He also made a series of directional signs which were scattered around the Library, where the event was held (such as the one to the left). These were so good that most of them were stolen during the day!

The day's talks were all video- recorded, and you can watch these films by clicking on the titles below. When you get to the "Echo 360" page, click on "lite", and then play - you will get the video of the speaker, plus a separate window showing the powerpoint slides. Unfortunately, this format doesn't work on an iPad, but should be fine for everything else. Enjoy!

 Sarah Nettleton (University of York)
Film: "Run and become: motivation and transformation at Brighton Marathon" (by Jon Mitchell, University of Sussex), followed by discussion. (Sadly, Jon was unable to join us on the day, but you can watch the film by clicking on the title.

Victoria Robinson (Sheffield University)
(The video clip during this presentation has come out a little shaky, but as you'll see, it fits the spirit of the film!)

Richard Shipway Sarah Nettleton 

Jon Mitchell

Karen Throsby: I bought this in La Jolla, San Diego after my Catalina swim, but it represents all of the long swims I 
Victoria Robinson

Lisa Stansbie 

Round up 



You can download the programme for the day here

All drawings are ©Karen Throsby. Please contact if you would like to reproduce these images in another publication.