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Book Chapters

Charles, N., Fox, R., Smith, H., & Miele, M. (2022). 'Dogs at Work: Gendered Organizational Cultures and Dog-Human Partnerships' in L Tallberg and L Hamilton (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Animal Organization Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Charles, N (2019) Mutual Knowledge, Power, and Pleasure in Dog Training, Society & Animals, 1: 1-5 (book review)
Smith, H., Miele, M., Charles, N., Fox, R (2021) "Becoming with a police dog: Training technologies for bonding." Trans Inst Br Geogr, 1‐ 17. opens in a new window

Charles, N, Fox, R, Smith, H, Miele, M (2021)'"Fulfilling your dog's potential": Changing dimensions of power in dog training cultures in the UK' . Animal Studies Journal, 10 (2)

Fox, R, Charles, N, Miele, M and Smith, H (2022) '"Imagine you are a dog": Embodied communication in dog training', Cultural Geographies, first published June 14th 2022, available hereLink opens in a new window.

Charles, N, Fox, R, Miele, M and Smith, H (2024) De-centring the human: multi-species research as embodied practice, The Sociological Review, first published online April 28th 2024, available here.Link opens in a new window

Conference Papers


N Charles, R Fox, M Miele and H Smith (2018) 'Changing dimensions of power: An exploration of dog training cultures in the UK', paper presented by Nickie Charles at the RGS-IBG annual conference, Cardiff, August 2018


H Smith, M Miele, N Charles and R Fox (2019) ‘Fun? How to become-with a police dog (Handler)’, paper presented by Harriet Smith at the British Animal Studies Network conference, Strathclyde. BASN conference, 26-27 April 2019


H Smith, M Miele, N Charles and R Fox (2019) ‘Exploring the human-dog bond: How police dog handlers and General Purpose dogs develop a bond through training’, paper presented by Harriet Smith at the European Sociological Association conference, Manchester, ESA conference August 2019


R Fox, N Charles, M Miele and H Smith (2020) 'Shaping Inter-species Connectedness - a feminist approach to multi-species ethnography', paper presented by Rebekah Fox at the Feminist Canine Ethnography: Unravelling human- dog relationships from a gender perspective, Amsterdam, January 2020.


R Fox, N Charles, M Miele and H Smith (2020) ‘Regulating canine bodies or being ‘more dog’? Contradictions in the embodied practices of dog training’, BSA Annual Conference, Birmingham, April 2020. [cancelled due to COVID-19]


M Miele, N Charles H Smith and R Fox (2020) 'The silent care of canine companions: training assistance dogs for veterans with PTSD', paper presented by Mara Miele at EASST/4S virtual conference, Prague, August 2020.


N Charles, R Fox M Miele and H Smith (2020) 'Dog training cultures and perceptions of welfare', presented by Nickie Charles at ISAZ virtual conference, 3-5 September


N Charles, R Fox, M Miele, H Smith (2021) ‘Multi-species ethnography during a pandemic: problems and possibilities’, paper presented by whole team at ISAZ virtual conference, 22-24 June


R Fox, N Charles, M Miele, H Smith (2021) ‘De-centring the human: Multi-species research as embodied practice’, paper presented by Rebekah Fox, 31 August - September


H, Smith, M Miele, N Charles, R Fox (2021) ‘Visual multispecies methods: Seeing encounters and levelling the gaze’, paper presented by Harriet Smith at the RGS-IBG conference, 31 August – September


M, Miele, H Smith, N Charles, R Fox (2021)Carers and companions: care work and emotional support of assistance and community dogs’, paper presented by Mara Miele, 31 August – September



Archived Newsletters

Newsletter 1 Feb 2019

Newsletter 2 July 2019

Newsletter 3 April 2020

Newsletter 4 June 2021

End of Project Newsletter


Learning to live together: building a successful relationship with your dog, film based on companion dog case study,