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Risk and Uncertainty in Childbirth - Discussion group

Thank you for your interest in taking part in a discussion group which aims to explore approaches to managing risk and uncertainty in pregnancy and childbirth.

This group is only open to people in England. To be eligible you must fall into one of the following categories:

  • Given birth within the last 6 months,
  • Midwife, obstetrician or doula,
  • Representative of a maternity-related charity/organisation.

The discussion group will last 2-hours and will take place online. Details on how to access the group will be sent nearer the time.

Those who take part will receive a £50 Love2Shop voucher in appreciation of their time and effort. The vouchers will be emailed to you after the discussion group.

In order to have a diverse range of perspectives and experiences in each group we would appreciate it if you could answer the questions below. Please note that you do not have to answer any questions that you do not want to.

If you have any questions about the discussion groups or this form please email the organiser, Dr Georgia Clancy: We will be in touch shortly to confirm if you have been assigned to a discussion group.

Update 08/04/22: We are delighted to have received lots of interest in the discussion groups and as a result the group on Wednesday 27th April is now full. If you would still like to take part in the discussion group on Saturday 30th April please complete the form below.

This form is closed and is no longer accepting any submissions. Thank you for your time.