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Equality, diversity and inclusion

Warwick Foundation Studies values the individual differences and the diversity that this brings. We are committed to promoting and enabling a positive culture to ensure that no-one is at a disadvantage because of who they are. Everyone has a role to play in embedding equality, diversity and inclusion, whether at work, learning, researching or teaching.

    What are Equality, Diversity and Inclusion?

    Equality is about treating people with respect and dignity, and providing everyone with opportunities to fulfil their potential. It is about tackling inequality and breaking down barriers.

    Diversity brings a huge range of benefits for the department. The more diverse our staff and student populations is, the more we all benefit due to the mix of backgrounds, heritages, ages, experiences and skills that spark innovation and create a rewarding and vibrant community.

    Inclusion means that everyone is accepted, welcomed, and has a sense of belonging. It means that we offer equal opportunities, compassion and respect to each individual on campus, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, economic status, nationality, gender, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or religion.


    • Actively promote social and educational inclusion and equality of opportunity for everyone who works or studies with us. Making sure that learning materials do not discriminate against any individuals or groups.
    • Enabling all students and staff to develop to their full potential.
    • Ensuring policies, procedures and processes do not discriminate.

    Current Projects

    The WFS department is in the process of applying for the Athena Swan Bronze award.

    Athena SWAN is a charter maintained by AdvanceHE that recognises and celebrates good practices in Higher Education towards the advancement of gender equality. The department is committed to advancing and promoting gender equality and the Athena SWAN SAT Group was established to help drive forward the initiative. The WFS SAT group was formed in September 2018. The Group meets regularly and reports at department meetings. The list of staff in the SAT team can be found here.

    Below is the list of sections for the application and the members of staff working on each area. If you would like to contribute please contact the appropriate staff members.


    Members of Staff

    Creating a picture of the department Karl, Sam and Allyson
    Supporting and advancing Woman's careers Joanne, Amy, Cleo and Catalina
    Organisation and culture Orla, Chris and Jordan
    Outreach activity Felix

    The Warwick Foundation Studies department is working towards their Athena Swan Bronze submission. The aim is for the department to submit the application in March 2020.


    Advance HE’s Athena SWAN Charter covers gender equality in students, academic roles and professional and support roles in relation to their:

    • Representation
    • Progression
    • Journey through career milestones
    • Working environment for everyone
    Warwick University is a Sliver Award holder. More information about the University's commitment to the Athena Swan principles can be found here.


    The next Athena Swan meeting will be on:

    • 24th Feb 2020 @ 9.15am
    • 4th March 2020 @ 2pm